(no subject)

Feb 02, 2008 19:53

I'm a bit late to get back to the topic of the domain name/website deal, but I have a good excuse. Really. I'll get to it shortly, trust me, it's a doozy.

So, anyway, part of being a Technical Support Representative means that we have to have test accounts made for us. Lots and lots of test accounts. As of right now I have nineteen, each one through a different website hosting company that are all owned by the same parent company. I've got 300 gigabytes of space on each and every one of those accounts... That's 5.7 terabytes of the internet that is effectively mine. Heh.

But yeah, we're not really doing anything with the other accounts, they're just there in case I need them to check something down the line. The one account that we are doing anything with is the one that we had to design a domain name for, and I think it was up until about five minutes before I went to bed the night beforehand that I finally had some inspiration strike.

Once we had our domain names, that was when the class instructor wanted each of us to go into that account space, and set up a personal website. It's nothing permanent, and we don't have to keep it, but for now he just wanted each of us to take an hour or so to play around with a specific Web Editor tool and get ourselves familiar with it in case we'd have to refer back to it at some point down the line.

So I was left with an hour of free time, and a whole lot of generic and cheesy templates to choose from. So I made this.


Ha ha, yes.

Still not sure what I might do with the domain once we're finished in class and I can delete the template pages, but at least I settled on a name I like for whatever it is.

But onto the meat of this entry... For a few weeks, now, there's been a cold running through my house. First my mother caught it, and was so messed up that at one point she threw up in the washroom in the middle of the night. (And my mother only throws up when she's at her sickest.) It left her, then moved onto my father... It got so severe with him that he had to go to the hospital with breathing issues, and has given up smoking (or is trying to, at least) because of how bad his health got while he had it.

So now it was my turn. Wonderful.

I thought I'd already had it and it had passed on by, really. I mean, for weeks I've been waking up every morning with severe congestion, and would have to spend about five to ten minutes hacking up phlegm and tearing my throat apart with racking coughs into the bathroom sink. But over the past few days it just got brutal... My voice was rough and hoarse, constantly coughing, hot flushes...

Then on Friday morning, surpriiiiiiiise! I wake up with a temperature of a hundred and three.

Christ. The second I opened my eyes I just told myself "This is going to be a shitty day."

I pretty much limped around the house getting ready, then my mother drove me to work... She didn't trust me alone with the car, naturally. From that point I spent half the day coughing, and half the day struggling to stay awake and stay focused. It was absolute hell, and my fever didn't go down at all... After it was done, I went home and had a nap until Mom drove me out to a clinic where I proceeded to tell the pretty doctor lady my sad story.

Turns out it wasn't just a cold, but she suspected a chest infection that came about as a result of a cold. So she gave me these antiobiotics to take for ten days, and as soon as I got home I took the first one and was shoved into bed by the parents. I was only able to sleep for an hour... And I couldn't sleep very well at all, either... Before I was trying to turn on the computer to say hello to a few folks (HI MADDIE!), and to amuse myself in the middle of sweating and shaking underneath my two layers of clothes.

But Mom wouldn't let me sit around at the computer, insisting I lay down somewhere... So, instead, I laid out on the living room couch, wrapped up and dripping in my sweat pants, while I watched Terminator 2. (Ever since the new Sarah Connor Chronicles started on TV, which I'm liking a hell of a lot so far, I'd had an itch to rewatch that old favourite. Probably one of the best action movies ever put to film.)

After that was done, it was forced right back into bed, where I had to try adn stay all night... Didn't work very well. I rolled over in bed more than a puppy on Speed. Was only able to fall asleep for fifteen to twenty minute spurts at the most, and the rest of the night was spent sitting up to blow my nose over and over again or hack into the wastebucket by my bed. And sweat. Christ. I don't think I've ever sweated that much.

This lasted until eleven o'clock this morning, when I just... Woke up, and my head didn't have the same pounding migraine it'd had for the last twenty four hours. My fever had broke, it seems, and my nose had stopped running. I'm still weak and tired and shuffling around the house with the speed of a ninety year old man masturbating, but I'm not laying in bed awaiting Death to kick in the door and take me.

I just hope that these antibiotics will clear things up even further by Monday. This is just like the time I started working at Westons, and I got the chickenpox before I was supposed to even show up.

Ugh. I couldn't just get a common cold, I have to get The Harbinger of Sniffly Doom?
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