By: zorochan @Soompi
Big Bang's TOP is concentrating on composing new songs.
TOP is working extra hard on composing songs for the new Big Bang album coming out in august. TOP is also featuring as a rapper in Uhm Jung Hwa's album coming out on July 1st.
Even though working in Uhm Jung Hwa's comeback performance is busy enough, TOP has also been occupied with his new activity [composing].
The reason why TOP has started composing again was because of certain fan letter. During the '2008 Global Warning Tour' on the 22nd in the Seoul Stadium TOP stated that "The new album is in preperation right now. Not long ago a fan sent me a letter saying that she'd like to see Big Bang become a group that is respected as true singers. After reading that letter I felt this sudden urge to start composing again." He also stated that he will "Work hard so that Big Bang will become true singers."
On this day TOP showed off his new hairdo for Uhm Jung Hwa's comeback performance. "This is the first time [during the Seoul concert] I'm showing my new hairstyle." TOP also stated that "I felt like a student constantly getting his hw checked while working on Uhm Jung hwa sunbae's music video." TOP was amazed and learned much from Uhm Junh Hwa on the set.
TOP also stated that he "Felt so proud" when Taeyang won 1st place on MNet with his new song "Look at Only Me".
"Even though he's a dongseng, his hard working look has influenced me." [As in TOP would like to do some solo related work like TaeYang is doing right now.]
On another note, Big Bang's '2008 Global Warning Tour' has been going on since March in Japan, Thailand, and Korea. Big Bang felt especially heart warming performing in Thailand and Japan since it was their first time performing in theses places since their debut. Big Bang will end their 3 month long concert tour in Seoul on the 22nd.
It's funny how people argue about when an artist is truly an artist. There are certain "said" qualifications on how and when people will start calling you a true artist (take note I did not say "singer"). This is depending on people's tastes.
One, is when a "person" is given a recording contract despite no actual singing talent. Second, is when the artist(s) do not "lip sync" on his/her/their live performances. Third, is when artists can actually sing (pertaining that he/she/they have good voices). Forth, is when an artist can sing and dance at the same time (w/o lip syncing of course). Fifth, is when an artist(s) composes his/her/their own songs. Sixth, is when artists play their own music, meaning they can play live music during their performances and concerts... Well there are probably more you can think of. But of course these categories will not apply to every artist out there, since there are different ways to entertain people with your music.
On TOP's case, when he pertained to composing as an indication of becoming true singers; in my standard, that's the level that I prefer, although I wouldn't exactly say composing will make you a "true singer." I know it might be a different from your standard, but I have a friend who leads a popular band (she and her band, performed at Asia Song Festival last year). She sings, composes and plays her own songs (she plays the piano, the guitar and the accordion). She's really talented when it comes to making her own music, and I really really respect her for that. I guess this is the standard that I got used to, so it sure/might be different from your perspective as a music lover.
But then again, this time, as compared to TOP's statement, I think a true singer doesn't have to compose their own songs to be called real singers. Maybe a true musician should. But "singers" are singers because they have the talent to sing, regardless of, if they composed their songs or not. There are artists out there in the international music scene who don't compose their own songs, and yet they are big names and are well respected as singers. So technically you don't have to compose your own music to become "real singers," but it surely is a PLUS!
But I guess TOP sees it differently, and BIG BANG wants to prove they are capable of being better artists. Well, I already respect them for their talent and their music, though of course they can improve more, and we can expect that as they grow in the music business.
Big Bang SpiderLiliez