So I got this job...

Feb 15, 2012 06:56

Yup. I got a job.

Let me rephrase that: I GOT A JOB.

Telemarketer fundraising. No cold calls. 100% liberal causes, like Planned Parenthood, Emily's List, and so on. 20-40 hours a week. Start at $9 to $10 an hour, possible up to $13.50 depending on performance blah blah.

Training starts today at 9 AM. Which is why I'm up at yuck o'clock in the morning because I have to leave the house at about 7:20 to catch a bus around 7:40. Summanulla is gorgeous, but by Herne is it in the arse end of nowhere!

Anyway, that's all I can manage right now. Slamming down a cuppa coffee and a slice of bread and cheese, and then out into the morning I go, tra la.

But holy shit, A JOB.

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give me your money, work

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