Mouseketeer Roll Call!

Sep 05, 2010 11:01

Okay, listen up y'all. I, like everyone else, have been getting more notifications from Dreamwidth that people are putting me on their reading pages. A lot of you are migrating or crossposting from LJ, which is way cool. The thing is, if your Dreamwidth name isn't the same as your LJ name, I HAVE NO IDEA WHO YOU ARE.

Can you please let me know here WHO THE HECK Y'ALL ARE? Otherwise I might not add you back out of sheer ignorance (no, I don't automatically add back) and/or might comment stupidly to you out of sheer ignorance.

We don't want the Arachnid to appear ignorant, do we? As opposed to appealing foolish, which she is happy to do for your amusement.

Pretty please with Neal Caffrey on top (or on bottom as your taste may be)? Thanks.

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments over there. I've disabled LJ's Facebook and Twitter cross-posting idiocy as much as I can, but if you're especially concerned, feel free to comment there.

fuck lj

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