Still feel blech, but INTERVIEW TOMORROW

Sep 02, 2010 13:33

Why do I feel like I'm overcaffeinated when I drank only one cup of coffee today? Vaguely nauseous, gross behind the eyes. :P :P Is it the days and days of horrid heat, or is it the antibiotics? Anybody?

On the other hand, I have a job interview tomorrow! Oh, wait, let me repeat that. I HAVE AN INTERVIEW TOMORROW! \0/ Not for the super-admin job; those people are still waffling. *grumble* Why can't they get their arses in gear? The interview tomorrow is for just another legal floater thing, temp to perm, and get this -- the temp pay rate is $3 an hour HIGHER than the super-admin place is offering. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING!

It must be because I painted my fingernails and toenails purple last night, right? I wonder, if I dyed my hair bright blue, would I get an interview for a CEO position? LOL!

ETA: HAHAHAHA -- CHECK THIS OUT. After I got the call about the other interview, I left a message at the super-admin place and told them I had an interview tomorrow morning. They called me back less than half an hour later and SURPRISE! I HAVE ANOTHER INTERVIEW TOMORROW! They started selling their job like it was a stolen car. It was basically a phone interview, and I rattled off my usual self-marketing spiel and I could hear them salivating, I swear. Then, kinda hesitantly, they asked for some "general info" about the other interview. HAHAHA! So I told them that the other position pays $3 more an hour, and they're guaranteeing me a permanent place after 3 months if it works out, and it's a litigation firm and how much I love doing litigation work, but I see their super-admin position as a real promotion and a chance to expand my expertise, but I don't feel comfortable with working for a place for a few months as a temp and just as I'm getting a chance to really contribute getting kicked to the curb again and ending up at square one (although naturally I put it in more corporate lingo). SO THEY OFFERED TO MATCH THE OTHER RATE and they'll negotiate with me on the other stuff and HAHAHAHA. TWO DOGS, ONE BONE. THESE ARE THE TIMES I LOVE BEING ME.

I'm going out to get a corporate manicure. Nice rosy beige. :P

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too darn hot, the dental circle of hell, i am awesome, blech, life on the dole

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