Pod Person

Apr 23, 2007 10:14

OMG I've become a Pod Person. I'd forgotten how wonderful it is having music everywhere I go. Especially this past weekend, when it was finally warm enough to walk everywhere! I went down to what is pathetically known as "Melrose Square", which is a crossroads, people, a measly little block or so of very twee shops with NO "square" whatsoever, not even a goddamn flowerbox. But it's less than 3/4 mile from Hole in the Wall, and there's a proper (though expensive) fishmonger and a half decent bakery.

Rant re: bakery: they make such a big deal out of baking their own bread, so why ruin it by selling it in *closed plastic bags*? What kind of moron sells sourdough bread in a plastic bag so the crust gets all soft and spongy? Sourdough crust should snap, crackle, pop! Soft crust is *sacrilege!*

But I digress. Heh.

Anyway. If you recall, I'd thought of naming my new iPod "Metallicar" because it's big, black, powerful and sexy. But then Sirius-in-my-brain smacked me upside the head, so in fact, the pod is named Grim. It was either that or Shacklebolt (*snicker*).

I'm loading the thing as fast as I can. Not only with music -- I'm converting my video files as fast as the goddamn software will let me. So far, I have 2 eps of Doctor Who, 2 of Firefly and 2 Supernatural.

LINK ME, PEOPLE. Give me the hookup. Where can I get more music? (Besides iTunes. femmequixotic will have my head on a plate if I start paying for music.) If you know me, you'll know that I have little if any interest in what young whippersnappers are listening to these days. I already have loaded tons of Warren Zevon, New York Dolls, Velvet Underground, Great Big Sea, David Bowie, a shitload of obscure folk, Celtic and medieval stuff, the soundtrack from "O, Brother Where Art Thou" (yes, including those whiny little girls) and a good portion of Bach's "Art of the Fugue", as well as other random songs. I need more classic rock, heavy metal, old school punk, bluegrass, Celtic, old folk music and blues. I need Johnny Cash. I need GBS's "Trois Navires de Blé". I need to know what you think I should hear.

Link me! Rec me! Make my ears bleed!

ETA: Oh, and I want one of those silhouette iCons(tm) made for me -- one of a Newfoundland with the earphones, with the caption iDog. (*makes big pleading puppy eyes at artistically inclined flist*)

bread, hole in the wall, pod person

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