Mar 31, 2007 20:06


In fact, it was pretty damn fine. I am very happily surprised about how much I did not hate Martha. I think she's pretty generic, but she's inoffensive. The Adeola reference made me start hearing thePatty Duke theme in my head, and I think the "genetic transfer" *cough*was cheap, as was Martha's moon-eyed (no pun intended) swoon afterwards. It felt forced and false and something that was put into the script just to stir up the pot, you know what I mean? On the other hand, Rose's presence-by-absence was handled very well indeed. And Ten/Rose shippers got a big scoop of candy handed to them. The Doctor out-and-out says, "We were together". CANON, babes! HA!

The Doctor made me love him again. No problem, no hesitation, I just fell all over again. Even his over-the-top lunacy (there's another moonpun not intended!) felt wonderful to see. And he looked HOT. Especially when he was hanging around the corner watching Martha's family soap opera boil over. I must say, though -- Martha seemed quite ready to follow a man she'd just met into a dark alley on the basis of a smile and a nod. Yeah, you and I know he's the Doctor, and yeah, Martha had been to the moon with him and all, but I couldn't help but think, "Martha honey, that is a damn stupid thing to do."

All in all? Pass me the koolaid. Welcome to the TARDIS, Miss Jones. I'm thrilled to be along for the ride.

doctor who

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