*brushes dust off keyboard*

Mar 29, 2007 13:50

This would be me, who hasn't gone near a computer in days. At home in the evening, anyways -- work stuff doesn't count.

I've just been... eh, I don't want to play online. I don't want to write. I don't necessarily want to be in touch with people at all -- and that is not a reflection on any of my friends, but rather on me.

I spend my time puttering around my new home, playing with my cats, watching old DVDs and moving stuff from point A to point B in the apartment to see where it's best. Cocooning, really. Possibly having a massive anti-social reaction to several months of never being able to collapse in private. I dunno. So there's been absolutely no fandom action from me for a hell of a long time. I feel guilty about it, which kind of amuses me. I am neglecting Dungeons shamefully. I have unfinished fiction sitting on my hard drive. But at the same time, I tell myself it's a fucking hobby. If it becomes a chore, it's not worth it.

As for HP... perhaps I'm in a pre-release holding pattern. The new book coming out in July, and in a weird way -- which feels almost blasphemous -- I feel that I've kinda said all I have to say in that universe at the moment, until the new canon comes to blast us all out of the water. But I have obligations, and I'll crank it up again as soon as I can, I promise.

And, yes, I know, it really doesn't help that I've sold at least a fraction of my beleaguered soul to the Special Hell that is Supernatural Wincest. And then there's my Jack Harkness obsession. Sigh.

But all things considered, I'm about to get a massive shot in my fandom. Because this weekend is MUSKRAT JAMBOREE and I am THERE, you wenches! I don't know if there's anything going on tonight, so I don't think I'll be there tonight, but I'll be there first thing in the morning tomorrow. If a hundred squee!ing fangirls doesn't rev my motor, I don't know what will.

muskratjamboree, fandom

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