Nov 15, 2003 21:33
weekends are getting harder and harder to get by. it might have to do with how i look at these two free days as just a break from school rather than an opportunity to do something. actually weekdays have become more entertaining lately only because i feel that i spend my off time accomplishing very little socially or productively. sure, i need a job. hopefully i will get one. in which case i will be making money and doing something productive. that's great and everything, but it still feels like something would be missing. 'what?' you may ask. i couldn't tell you myself. but it seems there would still be a gap between the lines of school and a job... so until i think about getting that job and see what kind of attitude will result from it, i must work on my 1000 word research paper due monday. along with college applications and any other shit that's due. sometimes i hate the weekends.