Feb 11, 2012 22:12
Tonight I made Rice Pudding. The recipe is as follows.
1 cup of white rice
1 cup of milk
1/2 cup of water
1/8 cup of mochi flour
4 tablespoons of sugar
dash of vanilla
Step 1) Become intrigued at the cooking capacity of the rice cooker
Step 2) Throw ingredients in
Step 3) Set the cooker going and wait
Step 4) Become disenchanted at sight of abundant of liquids and lumpy uncooked rice
Step 5) Repeat Step 3
Step 6) Give up on rice cooker. Throw remaining rice mush into sauce pan, add 1/4 cup of water, and set on medium
Step 7) What the-?!
Step 8) Staring distrustfully at mass on stove add more water and ponder the meaning of uncooked rice.
Step 9) Add more water
Step 10) Turn up heat, stirring vigorously with rice paddle as all other cooking utensils seem to have disappeared.
Step 11) Take off stove, test, and stick back on stove on a low simmer upon the realization that the rice still isn't cooked
Step 12) Wait until mass turns roughly the consistency of paste and serve
life in general