Omochabako no Kuni no Alice - In a Nutshell

Jan 27, 2012 15:07

Omochabako no Kuni no Alice

Quinrose: Official Game Homepage


And here we are! Our long, long, long awaited fandisk of Alice joy!

The story is split up into two basic parts: Wonderland and the 'Synfonia' parody. The Wonderland side revolves around Alice having some sort of problem, which differs depending on the place of stay of course, that pushes her to go stay awhile at a different residence for awhile. Her reasons for leaving were, unfortunately, thinly veiled plot devices at best. But hey, it's a fandisk and plot devices are sorta the name of the game. I have to say though, the high point for the Wonderland side, for the most part, is the character interaction. I actually had more fun with some of the character's whose routes it wasn't. And, I have to say, this was some of the best characterization Quinrose has done for this series. We were a lot closer to the Heart portrayals for the characters for this one, and it made me very, very happy.

The other high point of the Wonderland side was the theme of 'What funny outfits can we put the characters in?'! Example:

Sir Ace... (and yes, later he gets a horse. XD)

Which was both amusing and, in the case of Gray... canon building and damned sexy.

FFFF!! Gray reliving his 'wild youth' to the screams of fangirls everywhere.

For the parody side, well, it's a parody. Plenty of magic fun in the place of clocks. And a play on a school wide kimodameshi wherein the male character (of the route) sneaks into Alice's room, steals something... and then she gets to return the favor later on. Nothing too earth shaking, but cute. And it was interesting seeing the characters stuck in a different setting.

And, seeing Julius with bunny ears was entirely relevant to my interests.

Alice: W-wanna touch...!!


It's the Alice series. Basically all the pretty you're expecting to get and lots of it. My only complaint is that Quinrose did more of those annoying hand/POV cgs for some unknown reason...

...Though, sometimes it was acceptable.

And, in light of recent announcements...

...Some images were just blatant fanservice.


Nothing really fantastically new or special BGM-wise. Again, it's the Alice series so all of the previously used themes are there. I never actually played Wizard and the Master, but I expect that the music on the parody side is all lifted from that. *shrugs*

On the other hand, I was highly satisfied with the performances by the seiyuu. SO much awesome, I don't hardly know where to start. Was especially satisfied with Akira Ishida. (Naturally) With Black and White Joker. But also really pleased with Tomokazu Sugita, Nightmare got some really, really good lines. (There was a definite nod to his darker side in this.) Surprisingly, I also was really pleased this round with Katsuyuki Konishi. And, as some of you may know, I am not a Blood fangirl. Excellent showing of Blood this time. It made me mourn the crappy manga!Blood all over again.

The character interactions really made this thing shine and, now knowing what Alice is 'supposed' to sound like. It made for some particularly amusing scenes.

Alice: [speaking with her mouth full]

If only because I'm so used to hearing random crack from Rie Kugimiya as Kagura.

In a Nutshell:

Fun. Funny. Makes you fall in love with the characters all over again. And more Jokers XDD

Jokers in unison: What?

And now, because I know there's CGs floating around already, I leave you with a tiny handful of the things that amused me during gameplay. Enjoy my lazy translating skillz (or lack thereof).

Yes, that's the set up for exactly what you're thinking.

Peter: Ace-kun. ...When she leaves, you die.

Ace: Eh? Then Alice, you should stay by my side forever.

Alice: G-Gray! Call a doctor! A doctor...!!

Gray: No, Alice, calm down. Nightmare-sensei is a doctor.
(Do I see a One Piece reference?! XD I think I do!)

How a dormouse apologizes.

Boris: Fishy~ Fishy~~♪♪♪

Pierce: V-violins are scary!! If only violins didn't exist in this world then everything would be fine!!

And, because every high note should end with a man in an apron:


review: in a nutshell, game: omochabako no kuni no alice

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