Nov 21, 2012 02:02
It's been over a year. I'm at an all time high for time between blog posts. Not a record I ever wanted to achieve. I think Facebooking and Twittering has killed the urge to blog. I rant so much in short bursts, there doesn't always seem to be a need to dump in a blog.
I want to blog more, but I want to be anonymous, but I also want to be read by people, just not people I know. Maybe I need to make a blog that is public on a searchable site and post there. I want interactions, but I also don't want to say what I want to say on Facebook.
So, being that it's fucking November already, I guess I could talk about my year. Easily the greatest year I've ever had in my life. My best year on every level, in every category.
I got married in May. My wife is amazing. She is the sweetest woman and very loving and cuddly. She is pretty close to perfect for me. She can be sensitive at times, and we do get cabin fever staying in our shitty little apartment at times, but those things are somewhat expected. Communication and compromise shall endure. I can also be a bit difficult to deal with at times. I have a hard time expressing exactly the type of mood I'm having and why it's making me in a bad mood of sorts. I'm working on it, and will probably always be working on it.
I love wearing my wedding rings. I have no idea why, but I do. I have 2 because when we were in Mexico I didn't bring my real ring. I had it at the jewelers getting resized and so I bought a silver ring in Playa Del Carmen. I wear that one on my right hand.
Our Honeymoon was very fun, Mexico is fun, Pyramid ruins are boring and hot.
I finally got hired off of my contract status in June and am now a real employee at the bank I work at. I'm very happy there. I'm excelling at what I do and getting recognition almost weekly. I love getting recognized for being the person I always felt I was. :D It just makes me want to do better and better.
Our Friends moved her from Arizona finally and I feel nearly complete. I wish more friends would move here too, but they aren't too far away at the moment either.
I was finally able to find a new location for Slinky. I'm still a bit in a dream about pulling that one off. It was amazing. I love that location and I never want to leave it, unless something crazy better comes along, but I am not looking for another spot. We are in the midst of planning next year's event right now. It may seem far away, but actually, it's not that far off.
We went to burning man and had a blast, as usual. Not much to say about it at the moment, but things were great. Next year I think it's trailer time. I've been looking at 20 foot trailers for around $4500. There are a lot of them.
We are still working on our Thank You cards from our wedding.
I've been trying to cook more gluten free foods. Both because it's trendy and because I have friends that eat that way. I like the challenge.
I've got about 15 art projects in the pipeline. I hate astrology and all of that shit, but damn am I an Aquarius or what? I start so many projects and never get any done. It's exhausting really. I'm amazed I got the Slinky flyer done. I need to complete my fundraising project regarding that.
I have canvases to paint, I have ping pong balls to poke and glue to light strings, I have wine bottles to make into shelving, I have corks to make into coasters, I have more felt to make into more felt related shit.
I want to create more and I shall.
I also want to do more with the Gluten Free Cart and Truck websites I have. Starting small, in a joint venture, maybe doing Jerky, then going from there.
We have some other ideas as well.
Right now, I'm up too fucking late because I baked a gluten free, egg free, dairy free pumpkin pie. It really was a very successful venture. i haven't tasted the pie, but all of the ingredients along the way were tremendously flavorful. I also brined the turkey tonight and made Green Chile Tacos for dinner. Oh and then I did dishes.
I fucking hate doing Dishes sometimes. Especially when I cook. I need to make enough money to make my wife stay home and do all the chores. lol.
I got an iPad recently. I'm happy to have a new toy. I'm happy to have an eReader as well.
Looking forward to a quick trip to LA for Bad Santa.
Okay, well, good catchup. Hopefully more soon. I think I'm the only one of my friends posting on here anymore.