Aug 20, 2009 13:34
When my computer crashed a few weeks back I couldn't get my secondary harddrive to be recognized. I think this was just because I needed to reset my cmos or something, I dunno. I procrastinated for awhile trying to get my data off of it or to get it working. So recently I got a bit worried about all my data and tried a million different scenarios that didn't seem to work. Well I brought it to work and was able to get my data off of it and copied onto my work external harddrive. All in neat folders as they were. This was a huge relief. I have all of my pictures on there. All of them. Lots that are not on Flickr. And all my videos that I was too lazy to upload. And on top of that about 16gb of music and a shitton of client files for websites and stuff I was doing on the side. Stuff I'd rather not just lose. Okay, so long story short, *whew*.
Backup my data, I must do more of.
I went for another trip around the lake on Tuesday night. I walked much much more than usual because my left foot bones hurt. Why? I dunno, but my body is falling apart everytime I try to move it more than sitting at a desk or dancing in a club. So to top it all of, when I came home I walked into the bathroom and got a glimpse of Jeff my roommate's naked ass and his girlfriend's legs sticking out from the toilet area. I turned away real fast and slammed my already pussified knee into the door jam. So, now I have a sore knee, pinched knee and overall retarded knee. I think the door should have been locked, but whatever. I wasn't pissed and they weren't pissed, so whatevs. I followed that up with 2 pitchers of PBR from Baggy's. I like this place. I should yelp it. The crowd there is a bit of a shocker. No weirdos, no thugs, no douches. Not what I'd expect considering some of the surrounding establishments. I shall frequent this place a bit more. Their jukebox isn't so hot though. Too many oldies. I need to begin a tour of all the bars that I've not been to and really lock in about 5 that I want to be frequently seen at. You know, for Page 6 and shit.
Things at work are going well. My boss seems a bit less cranky. I'm doing fine with most of my projects. Having a bit of a creative block today in trying to whip up a design for a chiropractic office, but it's coming along. I need to try and design a bit more out of my comfort zone. I also need to learn more about flash and illustrator. I'm to blame for these not being learned. I have the resources. Soon.
I haven't packed anything for burningman nor made any "piles" to pack. I will be doing that this weekend. By Monday morning I will be 80% ready to go. This means no clothes will be packed, no food, but my boxes of bullshit will be ready to go.
I'll also be moving my garage to the basement, hopefully not by myself. There is a lot of shit that needs to be firesaled on craigslist. That will be done this weekend too. I'm tired of having a box full of my dad's old fishing reels. Honestly, why? lol.
I want to go out and dance and party this weekend, but I also realize I need to not spend money and take it easy because I got 9 day so of extreme partying approaching and I need all my money for that.
Both of my cousins are getting married. Zack is getting married the day of the next dirtybird party at Mezzanine. So, I'll be hitting his wedding about 6pm and leaving promptly after it to go meetup with friends coming up from LA. Logistical nightmare of a wedding date. Can't people consult with me before planning their weddings and receptions?
I had some weird dreams last night. I can't remember them much, only that I remember waking up with songs or statements in my mind, which quickly went away.
Carry on...