Mar 02, 2006 18:27
Hey dudes, what's going on?
I don't think anyone still reads this anymore, but... eh.
So, I have been SWAMPED with shit do to since this semester started. Somebody may have more on their plate than I do, most have less, but I know I may have bitten off more than I can chew.
Get ready for THIS list.
8 Classes (which, surprisingly, is only getting me 13 credit hours -- go go music majors!)
Teaching at Lyman (source of income, no matter how small)
Maitland Symphony Orchestra (awesome, but time consuming and non-paying)
Indoor Drumline (I don't know how to explain, but it's pretty awesome, albeit expensive)
Drum Corps ([!] Takes up the summer [hooray], get my ass kicked and ask for MORE.)
College Auditions ([!] on top of the stuff I have to learn for juries, I have to relearn some pieces for my auditions, which I'll get to in a bit)
Attempt at a social life (see how this is on the bottom of my list?)
[!] denotes requisite audition and accompanying stress
Yep. I'm auditioning for UCF this saturday, and FSU March 25th. I had to relearn my marimba solo, learn an entirely new Vibraphone solo (which, I have to say, is AMAZING.) It was originally a vocal piece, arranged for vibraphone (which, interestingly enough, was made for jazz purposes, and I'm playing a romantic classical piece on it). If you've ever heard it, it's called Serenade, by F. Schubert. If you haven't heard it, you can either download a version online OR you can come to the percussion concert (I'll get to THAT in a bit; so much info to spill onto the page, as it were.) And, while it is a chance for them to choose me, it's just as much an audition for where I want to go. I'm not sold on either school, as they have both pros and cons, so it's whatever staff I like the best, and more importantly, which one can offer me a scholarship, because you see friends, I ain't got no money.
Ain't it a bitch?
Oh, also, I haven't seen most of anyone from High School, aside from Bo and Donia (and that is a rare occaison, indeed). So, I think a get together, perhaps a party is in order. Get in contact with me, and I'll see what I can do.