It's 3:30 am and I just can not sleep - my mind will literally not shut off. This is actually a good thing this time! For almost a year, I've been bemoaning the fact I have no inspiration to write and blah blah....tonight I finally just decided to air down and do it.
I wrote an entire page on One Red Thread, my semi-AU Star Trek fic. it's not much, but it is more than I've written since....last July? The story IA rough and unbetaed and will need SO much editing and work...but I'm happy :) First I need to write, the rest will come in time!
My assignment at the temp agency ended, and I've been without a job for three weeks. I have an interview in five hours with Hobby Lobby for a part time position - money until I find something full time and stable.
Just thought I'd give a upbeat update. Night, all!
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