Dec 23, 2007 22:41
So I beat Phantom Hourglass within a week of purchasing it. Short, but a good game. But now I am bored, my internal monologue has developed a british accent, and I'm not at all sure of what I want to do, so. A meme.
Give me two characters from different fandoms you know -or even just think- I'm familiar with, and I'll give you a dialogue happening between the two of them. Without justifying how the crossover would work, how their worlds clashed, or how they could even meet each other. Just a silly crossover conversation with no backstory, for fun.
I reserve the right to include backstory regardless, or inexplicably set the conversation in Silent Hill if I so choose.
I may do the Broccoli meme later, since it's been forever since I did that. Or a one-sentence fic meme, because those are fun and entertaining, too. I should be more shamed by my desire to do memes, but I'm really not.
I also saw The Golden Compass movie, and I was tired of the Climactic Battle near the end about fifteen seconds in, and why the hell did they cut out the ending, those butchers!? ...And now I'm distracted by thoughts of gay angels and Will and Lyra stumbling into Silent Hill. Silent Hill makes everything better!