Two Tribes 2006

Feb 28, 2006 15:38

I have way to much to write about. I guess I could summarise I don't know. this entry is going to go on...and on....and on!

Thursday is fairly nonexistant because I was up all night on the redeye flight to Brisbane so ended up sleeping away most the day then chilling out with Seb for the rest of it. Went round to one of his friends place for a bit and yea chilled out some more.

Friday I went into the city where I hung out with Carmen and we went shopping. I told Carmen I needed some niceish clothes for when I wanted to go out for dinner or something. Anyway Carmen has this peasant fetish which is one of the fashions I'm really not into. So every five seconds she was like "ohhh this is so nice" and I'm just like ...Carmen what have I said 50 million times over?


I think peasant is a bit to feminine for my tastes. I can appreciate it but the style just isnt me. And the stuff she picked out was nice, just not me!. Haha sorry Carmen I'm just hanging shit on you :P I like straight designs with minimal ruffles and bold colours. After about five hours shopping I had brought a black skirt and a brownish shirt which satisfied me. Carmen took me into this really cool shop called Lush all with soaps and lotions and stuff. I splurged out and brought this little bottle of lotion that is supposed to contain aphrodisiac qualities and also help prevent PMS. The shop smelt so nice though and I could easily see myself spending a goddamn fortune in it in minutes.

We also went into this massive bookstore something like 3 stories high. That was pretty cool. Highlight of my day would be watching Carmen eat the donut (am I allowed to admit you had that donut?) the amount of walking we did that day though would have worn off the donut kilojoules. Donut King is my god. Carmen helped me home overall I had one of my best shopping trips ever. (normally I hate shopping!!)

I got home about 5pmish and lazed around for a few hours until we suited up and got ready for TWO TRIBES!!

Met little Harry out the front, Matt's friend and Simon sort of found us inside somewhere. I went to listen to Technasia first they were making music on the spot which I thought was pretty cool but the speakers were peircingly loud and I was sitting right at the back. Then about 10:45 I raced over to listen to Blackstrobe another band I had heard a few things about but hadn't seen or heard any of thier music. They were like... Ramnstein Prodigy!! They were an actual band!! The lead singer didn't really have the aura required but the music was really good. I think I might actually have to get some of thier stuff.

About 11:45 Blackstrobe finished up and I went over to the other stage to listen to Markus Skulz. He was excellant as well. I wasn't much in a dance mood though so I went outside for a bit and find Simon chatting up some randoms so we all kind of congregated around. Podge found me for a ginourmous hug and chat. That boy is a moron. He has no job anymore he takes to many jobs. I feel bad for him and I really hope he wakes up soon, he has so much potential that guy. I mean he was a head chef at 24... and he loses his job because he eats to many drugs. Sometimes I wish that he had come to darwin all those years ago. Where would we be then? Podge and I, I think I could have kept him on the right track. However that would mean I would be with Podge not Brendan.

As it stands right now I think I could not replace Brendan with Podge. Nope.. that guy is doomed. Strange moment of the night is when I see Seb talking to a friend of his,
Me - "Hello"
Sebs Friend - "I know your face"
Seb - "No you dont man she's from Darwin"
Sebs friend - "what are you talking about man I lived in Darwin for 11 years!!"

Turned out we used to play handball together in year 10/11 at Nightcliff high. Freaky.

Other then that I pretty much just danced the whole night. I'll upload some photos and video later.

Saturday morning went back to Micks brothers house where we took another Pill and just sat around chatting. About ... midday I think we went home and went to sleep. Well tried. I didnt get much sleep I think about 2 hours all up?

Saturday night headed round to Dereks place (vvolf) because it was his 21st birthday I was convieniantly in Brisbane for it. So I went round his place to say happy birthday etc. I have to say he has filled out a bit (and got a beard) he almost looks as if he could pass for 17 :P Still short. Watched some weird shit called "Camp Kill Yourself" was like jackass. So fucking gross some of the stuff they did. One guy was running and did a shit while running I almost threw up I will never get that image out of my head :(

I didnt stay long because I was really tired but it was nice to see Derek again after about 3 years or whatever the last time I saw him was :)

Sunday I did nothing just slept away the day and watched tv. I was feeling pretty shit. Got home about midnight and Brendan picked me up and he was looking sooooo cute :) I guess I was having serious withdrawels I was pining for him the whole four days. Not that I wasnt enjoying myself just well I'd much rather go with Brendan anywhere from now on. No more solo holidays. I can't handle four days without him. It's just to hard.

I tried out that aphrodisiac lotion I got from Lush just put it under his nose and under my nose. So I guess you have no choice but to smell it.

I'm not sure if it was the lotion or me missing my boy but whatever the case, I had a good time :)

Anyway this entry is just massively rambling. I'm bored of writing.

Get a life you bums :)
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