Demon Mafia

Oct 07, 2011 11:35

I found my self working for an underworld, or otherworldly at least, organization. A Demon Mafia if you would.They weren't all bad monsters but they definitely looked down on humans and had their own set of morals and ways of doing things. They had a good use for humans though and often recruited them into their ranks as we could easily slip between demon realms and our population is so vast on Earth that we could move about unhindered. I'm not sure who specifically I was working for but I was doing a good job and earning many places of respect among the demon mafia. I was aiming towards a more permanent position among the ranks of Vampires who, for obvious reasons, often recruit from the human populace. My job, like most humans, served as messenger boy and body guard. Although we couldn't directly attack or defend against a demon they were very adverse to artificial lighting and we could watch the entry and exits to our masters realms and serve as an early warning system that an attack was incoming.

My dream started out with me looking for my locker in the street. Our "lockers" were stored under grates in the sidewalks that if we had to access them normal people just assumed that we were repairing the street although no work was ever actually done. You know how some areas of town just never seem to get the proper care and maintenance they deserve? Don't blame local politics or money issues, it's actually demonic influence. OK so maybe that is the same thing! Well I found my locker eventually and I opened it up and deposited a minor demon in it. We had an argument about his master and unfortunately I don't remember the details of the conversation was but it was not important. His part of the organization was being taken over and he was being put in my supernatural locker for a very long time. What was important was an Asian photographer was taking pictures of me doing this. He wasn't working for any demonic party but was some how able to see the demon I was talking to and burying under the sidewalk. I let him do this because the way the magic worked the camera would only take pictures of me pouring concrete into the ground and replacing the grate in the sidewalk. He will probably end up in some insane asylum if he kept trying to claim he saw the demons...

After I took care of that minor character me and my wife ended up going to a new Italian restaurant. On our way there she took us through a rather uncomfortable area of the city were there was no artificial lighting and made me quite nervous. Luckily we quickly found the restaurant and made it inside. While there I was contacted by one of the major demons that I worked for. I was in a romantic relation ship with a dream demon who requested I come visit her for a new job. I went to the safe house that served as an entrance to her realm. It was really a completely bare, one room apartment, that was occupied by three to four prophets. Because the dream demon often spent time walking among dreams she was never quite sure on the reality of her realm and used these prophets to maintain a vigil. The current entrance to her realm was actually an Xbox 360 and used a part of the internet to get to her.

So I dived in head first to the internet and found myself in a tube. Que a series of tubes jokes now.... I couldn't breath but I could swim up and I hate being underwater so this was a little distressing for me. Well I quickly broke free into her realm were I found the dream demon sitting on the ground. She looked a lot like Liv Tyler now that I think about it. She was telling me about a ghost egg that she had been given to hatch. Ghost eggs are very rare and require a very large amount of heat to hatch and the creature to come out is a very powerful ally to have. Now the catch is you can cook the inside of the egg killing the creature inside but it still requires very very high amounts of heat to keep it alive. This makes the dream demon's realm an ideal place to hatch the egg as she can basically turn off physics to keep the egg from cooking.

As she told me about the egg, in between drifting in and out of other dreams making it hard to follow her, I noticed something was wrong with the egg. I picked it up, it was long like a raptor egg from Jurassic Park but a dark grey like granite. Parts of the shell were coming off, I thought maybe it was hatching and tried to tell my lady demon. She didn't hear me as her mind was in a few dreams trying to gather information. Suddenly I realized no creature was emerging but that the shell was falling apart and that the inside of the egg was essentially soft boiled. I finally got the lady demons attention about the death of the egg and she was quite furious. She started yelling at her profits for not noticing any changes in her realm. It turns out that physics had been fully restored and we tested it by firing a pistol into a brick wall and observing the results.

I then left the demon ladies realm and kissed her goodbye. She sent one of her servants with me back to the real world so we could investigate what had happened and find out the reason the ghost egg was killed. This was a traumatic return for me. I entered the exit tube first which was a well of water on her side. A rectangular well... think of Minecraft. Well after I entered I had to slowly sink down and use my feet to feel for the exit and my hands to push against the walls and propel myself downwards, deeper underwater and into a darker area. I couldn't stop because Jack, the dream demon's servant, was above me and coming down as well. I couldn't breathe or find the exit and started to panic in my dream.

I think this caused me to "get lost" in the internet because the rest of my dream consisted of being lost in some TV commercial. Someone had bought Tony the Tiger from Frosted Flakes and was using him to advertise a sexist energy drink. The basis of the commercials drink this energy drink and girls will fall in love with you and be your slaves.

I never did get back to the demon mafia storyline but it seems like a really cool world. I may have to tap it next month for NaNoWriMo.
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