Racial Equality with The Incredible Hulk

Jan 18, 2009 15:30

Long time no chat. 51 weeks according to livejournal. meh. So i had a funny dream this morning that I want to put down. I've had a lot the past year but never anywhere or anytime to type it out.

Ok so the setting goes there is a town somewhere that has a pretty segregated population. There are large quantities of whites, middle easterners, and blacks. The whites have this strange cult they were using to recruit the younger white kids into. It was like the KKK in that they hated anyone not white but different in that they were hidden. They used a farming club as a smokescreen to hide themselves. One of the posters in the community farm area was, "Be Anti-Social, Be a Farmer!" yeah I don't get it... Well they were using the kids to kill the blacks and the middle easterners. They were doing so well at hiding it was them that Fox Mulder from the X-Files showed up to investigate.

Well back to how I fit in, and no more Fox Mulder. I was driving a motorcycle/scooter/bicycle thingy down the road when there was a traffic accident up a head. The white cult had sabotaged the tractor of the semi-truck the leader of the black community drove, played by Ving Rhames. It was supposed to cause a horrible accident and kill him and several easterners in the area it was in. All that did happen was Ving lost his right hand and I got my foot sliced open. I couldn't avoid the shredded tire from the tractor and it got caught up underneath my flip flop, why I was wearing those on a motorcycle I have no idea, and it melted my flip flop and cut my foot open enough so that blood was just pouring out of my foot. The police and medics where called but none ever showed up. I survived with a bad scar and Ving ended up with a modified spatula as a hand. I guess the emergency crews were in the cult?

Well this introduced me to the two community leaders, Ving and I have no idea who played the Arab's part lol! One day the middle easterners and myself were trying to protect ourselves and ended up in a gun fight with the white kids. We got overrun and had to retreat to a safe house. Once there I called Ving and some of his friends over for extra protection. Ving was very excited cause there were a lot of pool tables there, he loves to play pool. The blacks and middle easterners were still not on the best terms so this was my way of helping bring them together.

At the end of the night me and Ving were the last ones to leave the safe house just before dawn. We where driving away in his pickup truck(big black heavy duty like I'd like to have) and we were suddenly attacked by THE INCREDIBLE HULK! Yeah no idea why..... SO Ving and I ran and hid on top of some chicken coop after giving the Hulk the slip. Soon the farmer came out with a shotgun and pointed it at us. A man of few words, well he never talked, but luckily we were spared explaining why were on his chicken coop when Bruce Banner showed up. How the hell he changed back AND found clothes so fast I'm not sure. We all went inside to have some tea while Bruce and the doctor girl he hangs with told the farmer all about the Hulk. The girl, played by Liv Tyler in the movie, is some random girl in my dream who was not affected by the forces of gravity in my dream and likes to float on the ceiling. Yeah so anyways this was about the time I woke up. Wife was yelling at the cats!

Well till later.
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