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Name: Fran
Location:At my computer
Are you open to cross-gender votes?Um...yeah
Would you be open to being voted as characters who are not in your age range? Would you prefer to be voted as a character who is within your age range?I'd prefer a character within my age range, but it's not a must.
1. What are your three defining positive traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
-I'm generous- I don't need that much and I like making people happy. If there a little something I see online for example that I know will brighten somone's day, I'll send 'em a link. If I have something extra of something I give it away
-I'm smart- I don't know specific "examples" of that from my day to day life. I think it shows up most in the choices that I make. I went to the college I wanted to and learned a lot and now I'm working on applying that in my job. I'm out of school for the first time in my life but I think I've got a good head on my shoulders and I try to make good decisions. I do want to go to grad school at some point though
-I'm creative- I love to write and I'm working on a novel. To me there is nothing more fun than making up stories. My dream is to be able to support myself as a writer.
2. What are your three defining negative traits? Explain how you exhibit each trait in everyday life.
-I can be very stubborn. Once I get set in my ways about something it's often close to impossible to chance my mind. That also makes me closedminded to possibilities occasionally
-I'm totally obsessive. I alway analyze things to death (and in doing so I can forget to enjoy them). Like if someone says "hi" to me I'll be thinking "what did he mean by 'hi', was he simply saying 'Hello' was he saying he feels sorry that I'm totally pathetic, is he saying he thinks I'm beautiful?"
-I extremely hard on myself and I can make myself more unhappy than anyone else can make me. If I don't thinki met a certain standard at work, or at school, I'll beat myself up over it. When I look in a mirror my flaws are magnified by a thousands and I hardly ever see the good things.
3. If you were studying in Spence, which would be your favorite place? (By the lake, garden, church, caves, etc.) Why?
I think the caves. There's definately an air of mystery to them and it's a place I could go to be alone once in a while
4. Would you have stolen the wine from the church in order to be in Felicity's group? Why or why not? If you weren't part of their crowd, what kind of clique would you be in, if any? Why?I was never a follower- even in high school when everyone was dealing with that kind of peer pressure (plus I hate getting into trouble!) so I'd say no. I don't think I'd have wanted to be a part of Felicity's group either- I think I'd probably dismissed her as an obnoxious snob early on and wanted nothing more to do with her (see- an example of me being closed minded and missing out- Felicity turned out to have some good qualities!) I'm happier with one or two close friends. I think I'd have tried to build on my relationship with Ann and left Felicity and Pippa alone
5. If the Door of Light were to appear in front of you and you were to go into the realms, what would you choose to do in them? What would they be like for you?That's a tough question.... I suppose the first thing I'd do is explore and check out the possibilities. But I'd want a little of what all the girls in the books want- I'd want to be pretty and powerful and find true love. I can't choose!
6. Do you think the power of the realms should be shared by the members of the Order? Why or why not?No. If I hadn't read Rebel Angels I'd have said yes, but that book showed that there was a certain corruption possible within the Order and that there were others in the realms who deserve their share. I don't think power should be held completely by any one entitly. I think it's true that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
7. If you were a woman living in the Victorian Era, what do you think your life would have been like based on how it is now, your ambitions, and place in society?Oh, wow.. I think I'd have gone crazy! I loved school and the stuff you learn in finishing school wouldn't cut it for me (I'd be bored out of my mind learning etiquette). Plus as a woman I would be discouraged from reading anything other than frothy womens stories and magazines, and books are my life. Plus female writers weren't taken seriously back then- that's why they wrote under male names, like the Bronte sisters or George Sand.
8. If you were granted power by the realms and could use it inside and outside of the realms, what would you choose to do with it?Honestly? I have no idea. I hate seeing people treated unfairly and not being able to do anything to stop it. If I had magic I would defiantely do something to stop that.
9. What is your favorite scene (A Great and Terrible Beauty and Rebel Angels combined)? Why?It's hard to say but ultimately I love the final scene of AGATB where Gemma is racing the deer. She says something about how she wants to see how far she can run with it before she has to stop. I think that image perfectly sums up what the books are about: A woman of a repressed society discovering the power she holds (the running) and testing it and trying to find it's limits- she knows they exist- if she ignores them she could wind up like Circe or to a lesser extent her mother.
10. What is your favorite quote from the books? Why?
I think that this quote not only sums up the view of magic and power in the realms but also within Victorian society in real life and to a lesser extent out own society today:
I don't yet know what power feels like. But this is surely what it looks like, and I think I'm beginning to understand why those women had to hide in their caves. Why our parents and teachers and suitors want us to behave properly and predictably. It's not that they want to protect us; it's that they fear us
Even today we think we're liberated but there is an underlying fear of the female: what other reasons are they for double standards that exists between the sexes? If a woman has a lot of boyfriends and dates (even if she doesn't do anything with them) she's labeled a slut, while a man is praised an gets a pat on the back from his friends. I think that a woman's ability to create live (and in doing so endure pain unimagineable to a man) make her a stronger figure in the eyes of a lot of men. When someone seems stronger and you are threated by it your instinct is to fight it and keep it submissive
11. Pick one character among Gemma, Felicity, Ann, and Pippa. Tell us what she (the character you chose) could have done differently. (We are sure you did not agree with their every action.) Well Ann tends to go along with the crawd too much even when it's against her better insticts. Especially in Rebel Angels when she goes along with Felicity's idea to pass herself off as a Russian heiress. She lets Felicity and the others talk her into a few dumb moves actually. The absinthe is another one.
12. Which A Great and Terrible Beauty/Rebel Angels older character would you consider as a good role model? Why?I think Mrs. Nightwing has really found what makes her happy in life. It doesn't involve a "proper" marriage- her own marriage didn't go too well after all! and it involves a career which was an anomoly at the time. But she's happy where she is and she's created a place for herself in a difficult world
13. Sort these words in order of appeal to you: beauty - glory - security - power - wealth - self-fulfillment - freedom. Explain your answer.
1- Self-fulfillment: nothing you do matters if it doesn't make you feel right
2- Freedom: just because constraint would drive me nuts. I often complain about having difficult choices but in a way I'm grateful to have choices
3- Security: I think this sort of goes along with Self-fulfillment. That's where I ultimately find my security
4- Power: I'd like to be able to do what I think is right and not be constantly worried about the restrictions in terms of what's possible.
5- Glory: It's nice to be appriciate and looked up to. But I wouldn't want to be worshiped. If you're put on a pedistal it's too easy to fall
7- Beauty: Cliches are true: it's what's inside that counts
8- Wealth: It can't buy you happiness. Though if I have all or even a few of the above I'd consider myself wealthy
14. If possible, please post one or more pictures of yourself here. This is not mandatory, but if you do have pictures, you're encouraged to post them.
I don't have a pic on my computer unfortunately but I'll describe myself:
Hair- Dark brown, long and straight
Eyes- Very dark brown. Its actually hard to distinguish the pupil from the iris and they look black from far away.
Skin- Pale with slightly olive tones
Height: 5 ft 3 inches
Weight: Usually arounf 110 lbs
Distinguishing characteristics: I have a dimple in my chin- like Sandra Bullock does.
I've been told I look a teeny bit like: Katie Holmes, Audrey Tautou, Ava Gardner