Title: Break Apart
Fandom: Original piece (Hath Not a Jew)
Characters: Tom Parkers, Paul Kearny
Prompt: 069. Numb
Word Count: 306
Rating: G
Warnings/Spoilers: m/m, 'kay?
Summary: Paul comes to Tom to deal with the death of his mother.
My email alerted me that I had a LiveJournal comment from Paul. He requested if he could come over because he didn’t want to be alone. I quickly messaged that he could come over. I was at the door and opened it before he finished knocking.
“You’re okay if I just break down crying, right?”
“I’ll hold you while you do it.”
We walked into my room and I shut the door to give us some privacy. We sat on my bed, and as though on cue, Paul leaned into my shoulder and began crying. I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could. I buried my face into his hair, occasionally kissing his head. I couldn’t imagine losing my mom so young. It didn’t seem fair to me. It was a good sign though that Paul was crying: it meant that he was dealing with it. I’m not sure how one “deals” with such a situation, but I knew with Paul crying, he wasn’t avoiding the situation.
“I love you baby,” I whispered, because I couldn’t think of anything to say. “I love you so much.”
Paul looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks.
“I love you too,” he said and kissed me.
I ran a hand along his cheek.
“I’m promising you right now that I will never leave you.”
“Tom. . .”
“I don’t mean I’m promising we’ll always be together. I just mean that if you ever need me, no matter what happens or when it happens, you can always call me.”
“Thank you.”
I lightly kissed him.
“I feel like I owe you.”
“Honestly sweetie, all I expect of you is that you’re honest with me. That’s all you can do for payback.”
“Sounds like a deal. Thank you Tom. For everything.”
“You are very welcome.”