Feb 23, 2009 08:42

AGE: 18
OCCUPATION: Retail worker
SEX: Female
PLAYED BY: Rebecca from Gekkou No Carnevale

CHARM: |||
COURAGE: ||||||

Track This
WEAKNESSES: She's unsure of reality, most especially during the Dark Hour- Half certain she's in an institution somewhere, or at least just hallucinating. Because of this, she likes to keep relationships superficial and is happy to shirk responsibility in favour of partying or having fun, considering it rather pointless to do boring things when the world might not even be real. She has a deep insecurity over life, and her place in it, quick to internally second guess her choices when she has to make big decisions, which is why she prefers to shirk those too.

In combat, her weakness is her lack of physical strength. She takes hits hard, and is lightweight, pretty easily knocked around and back by some of the bigger shadows.


She's good at rolling with life's punches, be it emotional or physical problems, she gets over them quickly- Be it from ignoring them or bottling them, either way she's hard to keep down or shake. Her cheerful mask gives her the strength to face the world even when she'd rather not, and she has a lot of strength. The problems of the world just don't really match up to the problems she's faced in the past, so she has confidence in overcoming them, and doesn't really care if she doesn't. Her energy levels are high, and she's good at physical exertion, with plenty of endurance.

In combat, her strengths are her magical abilities. She's good at dealing out damage, and has some heal ability, making her a pretty good front row fighter, and her rage and hate against shadows mean she doesn't back down even when the odds are against her.
WEAK; Strike, Elec
STRONG; Wind, Ice
22: Magaru
30: Media
34: Cleave
42: Garula
55: Hamoan
62: Garudyne
67: Divine Grace
70: Null Wind
78: Diarahan
ARCANA: The magician

PERSONALITY: She has a quicksilver mood; One minute she'll be deadly serious, the next laughing. She's quick to forgive and forget slights and insults, and prefers going out to party. Her insecurity concerning her very existence, and the world around her, she bottles up or ignores, preferring not to burden others with her problems, and considering no 'friends' close enough to even know. Instead, she turns that fear and insecurity into pure rage, taking out her issues on Shadows in an almost berserker like fashion. Her friends, if they can be called that, she keeps at arms distance, preferring to show the world only her cheerful, happy face.

She likes dancing, and any activity that takes a lot of physical exertion and very little thinking, and will dance, party or run to the point of exhaustion to keep from having to think, and this is the appearance most know; Of a cheerful partyer with a sense of humour, whose flashes of seriousness don't last long. But at heart, she is a very hurt, lonely girl with a mask of happiness and a near berserker rage who prefers to dance away her worries.
BACKGROUND: As a child, Emily was 'normal'; A little reserved, a shy but friendly girl, the doted-on single child of her parents, going to dance classes, performing well at school, and just doing the every day activities the best child hoods are filled with. But one day, in primary school, she had a nightmare, a terrible one, and when she awoke... She woke up in a different world, even worse then her dreams; She found herself in the Dark Hour, and terrified, she ran to her parents, but there were only coffins. By the time it was over, the parents awoke to screaming- She was curled up in the closet, screaming with all her might. And this might have been disregarded as a nightmare, terrible but just what anyone gets occasionally... But then it happened, again, and again, and as she told her parents that she kept seeing an eldricht landscape filled with monsters and coffins, that they were dead, that the world was evil, it turned from nightmares to delusions, and they finally sent her to an institution. This... Did not go down well. After institutionalisation, medication and a whole lot of 'therapy', she came out a lot worse for wear, having lied her way to freedom.

Convinced that the dark hour was not real, that she was still hallucinating, but never wanting to go back there, she pretended the world didn't exist and went to highschool. But she couldn't concentrate on her studies, and she couldn't sleep for fear of the monsters, and it was then that she developed a habit of staying out late, partying. Her parents marriage broke up, and that just drove her deeper into the world of alcohol and less then favorable 'friends'.

One day she was out late, at a club, and lost track of time; Instead of facing the dark hour at home, curled up in bed, the clock struck midnight while she was there. Going outside, she was terrified, but she couldn't remain in a place so filled with coffins she could barely move. It was then that she stumbled across and met her future teammates, Kevin and Chiharu, and her world view changed. No longer was the dark hour her own delusion, others experienced it- Or maybe they were part of her delusion too, and now everything was in doubt.

Either way she pretended it was a new experience for her, not wanting to turn them from her when she was finally not alone, and with them she learnt how to fight the monsters.

WHY IS YOUR CHARACTER HERE?: To kill shadows, and end the dark hour forever.

Track This
SAMPLE POST: [Private to Chiharu and Kevin]

Geez, the city just keeps getting weirder. Have you seen the news lately? Think it's anything to do with our little monsters? Either way, I want to go kill some more, maybe it'll help.

I don't know if we should approach the people we've seen, what if they're just monsters too? We have no idea. If you've got to go help the tourists, at least make sure we're stocked for a fight.

...Not that I'm going to attack them if they're just normal people like us, but hey, who hasn't dreamed of beating the next tourists who asks you to say "Crikey"?

ROLEPLAYING SAMPLE: She sighed, shaking out her hair and adjusting her tight, sweaty hold on the card deck with one hand in a practised movement, and looked around. The street was almost empty, the shadows having fled or died, and she could take a little break. Leaning against the wall, she took a bottle of water from her backpack. Even at night, even now, Australia in the summer was still hot (and humid) enough to make exertion a little uncomfortable.

She had just taken a sip of water when the monster burst down the road. Giant, twisted, it looked like a car gone very, very wrong, and she dropped her bottle and had her cards back out before her mind had even fully registered it's details. She concentrated, and her persona burst free, misty silver in the shape of a horse.

The blast of wind did nothing to the monster. If anything, it seemed a little more confident, a little stronger and healthier, and it kept coming towards her, faster now, stubby, thick legs carrying it into a charge.

She pulled out her knife, her face twisting in a dark grin, and let the cards slip back into her pocket. So magic didn't work? So what. She could fight.

The bastard monster was going down.

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