From Twitter 12-05-2010

Dec 06, 2010 02:12

  • 03:05:15: In w weird mood
  • 14:15:18: Watching Percy Jackson and playing rummy for the win!
  • 23:10:25: No, I do not want to try the new Twitte, thanks for the offer but no thanks.
  • 23:11:23: @ KimchiSeasoning OMG that is epic
  • 23:11:39: @ KimchiSeasoning yeaaa gotta lose weight for track
  • 23:12:16: @ KimchiSeasoning I have no idea. but AWESOME! Twilight fans can suck it when they say HP is dead
  • 23:14:11: @ polakita86 It has a slightly slanted dront and is white. The change is more subtle on outside than in
  • 23:15:09: RT @Lord_Voldemort7: If someone calls you a freak just thank them. Nothing throws people off like a proud, polite freak.
  • 23:15:25: RT @Lord_Voldemort7: The only difference between self-confidence & arrogance is perception. I know I'm kick ass. Screw anyone who doesn't.
  • 23:17:36: RT @HarryJPotterr: "J.K. Rowling is not a talented author" #yeahright

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