That was bloody brilliant! Just to quote Ron Weasley in the Sorcerer's Stone movie despite the fact that I am speaking of the other of my top three fandoms: Lord of the Rings. All I need is some kind of Death Note reference and I shall be even more set than when I am crouching at the start line in eager anticipation of the blast that signals the commencement of the race.
Anyway. The musical.
I took the s58 to Smithtown and then hopped the Port Jeff line to Penn Station... or should I write PENN station considering that peculiar emphasis on the names of the stations that I positively reliah mocking whenever I get a particular onslaught of boredom.
Tomorrow I shall either take the train to RonKONKoma or to HUNTington out of PENN Station, bahahaaaaa
But I digress, my friends.
I also like screwing around with all the pretty colors because it is FUN.
OK I'm done with the colors.
Or am I? XD
Randomness aside, i got to Penn, walked down to the Whole Foods Market on 24th to get a salad and one of their delectable dessert bars, and then walked up to 54th to find the location. I saw no number on the building so I had to pace in friont of three doorways before i finally correctly concluded which was the one I desired. then walked up the spiral staircase to the ticket office, where I not only procured the ticket but got the stupid T-shirt as well [= "Gawd! I went to the Fellowship Parody and all I got was this stupid T-shirt!"
I then milled around outside the auditorium before they let us go in, and found a seat in the second row- I could have gotten front, but having my legs squished puts me into a rather ornery road- like Aragorn, I have loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong legs. Or, more appropriately, longSHANKS. =D
I could not stop laughing for the entirety of the show.
For Sirius Black. just endless quips, parodies, clever wordplay, slapstick humor, satire, and even some references to current events!
Just a few quotes of pure awesomeness:
- I've always wanted to go to New ORC City!
- OHHHH Pippin!
- Your women look like men"... "your men look like women"...
- "And... who are you? I don't even know you. Get out of your mom's basement and get a job!"
- "It's MERRY! Gosh, i cannot take it anymore, especially from YOU!"
- "Why did you have to go and open that candy, ya idiot?!"
- "I am so old that history was not a class when I was in school! The Dead Sea was only just getting sick!"
- "I wonder if I have enough weed..."
- "I crapped myself." "It's okay, I would crap myself." "No, I mean I *just* crapped myself" *Frodo backs away slowly*
- "Don't smoke cigarettes. It's not cool." *smokes cigarette*
- "Is this the end or the beginning?""Beginning of the end?" "No, no, no, think of it as three parts, like a trilogy." "Oh, so beginning of the middle!"
Not to mention.,. Aragorn looked like a DEATH METAL artist. (Side comment- I'm mildly annoyed that they do not have an edit font face option; otherwise, I would have used chiller for DEATH METAL.) Or maybe he was a black metal artist... he had the guitar and the long hair and the mustache and small beard and black nail polish =O. Just add some tattoos... some chains... some awesome special affects... nose and lip piercings... and there you go. DEATH METAL! Aragorn.
Boromir's suction cup arrows....
The gayness of Sam....
How a dude played Galadriel and a chick played Legolas...
And poor Merry, he gets blamed for everything Pippin does and nobody ever remembers his name! No wonder he's a weedhead!
periantari and I are having a blast squeeing over the general hilarity now.
I <3 hobbitmoots, I only wish I could have been with her and
grey_wonderer the other day!
On a random side topic, the
Brobdingnagian Bards are the SHIT!