Elizabeth Maupin, you are my hero

Apr 01, 2006 19:09

I don't update often, but I know some of my readers know about the situation of the douche bag of a chair we have. She recently directed her first show here at UCF, Hamlet, and I have to say I've never laughed so hard at this tragedy. The performance pained my to sit through, and it was not the actors fault. They acted their hearts out and tried to do what they do best....it's the directorial choices that killed this bird.

I know so many people were hoping for it to fail (myself included) but I feel bad for the actors who have to do it every evening. Hopefully this is one step closer to getting this bitch, The Almighty Vagzilla, fired early next semester...

here are some highlights from our review:

"Sloan has set this Hamlet in the year 2068, "thirty years following the Great Conflagration," in a subterranean version of the Danish castle of Elsinore. You'd have to be a brighter person than I to figure out why the play is set 62 years in the future, what the "great conflagration" did to Denmark or why Hamlet's family has built its castle underground. But all of that is key to UCF's production, which often seems more interested in the small white lights that shine from actors' than it is in the nature of Hamlet's malaise."

"Sloan has pared away at the four-hour play so that it clocks in at a little less than three, and the first act, at least, races along like a collection of snippets that make up Hamlet's Greatest Hits"

"Hamlet and his mother in her bath, Whitney and Bryant whip out so much intimate intensity that I sat straight up and thought: So that's what it's about."

"Maybe all of those contrivances will rivet a student audience who is barely aquainted with Shakespeare. But I can't help thinking that the show would work wonders with some heart."

For more of this fantastically scathing review, please go to http://www.orlandosentinel.com/entertainment/stage/theater/orl-bk-hamletreview032406,0,5376570.story?coll=orl-caltheatertop
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