I am no longer a cat person to any degree. The only grudging tip of my hat goes to overweight tabbys that sleep and eat, splendoring in the sun lazily all day. This dramatic shift from the stereotypical gay man's affinity for the felines is caused by my mother's new cat named unusually "Baachi", which I am told is Italian for kiss. This mediterranian osculation fancies destroying everything he can manage to touch with his deadly scythes, and I think at this point where paint is peeling in some parts of our house due to his incessant clawing even my Mom's showy displays of affection are just a way of her not letting me win on this issue. She and her familiar spend more money on this cat than themselves, and this little kiss's roster of friends is thinning by the day. I have no sympathy for him. :)!
On another note Chris has made a livejournal! Rejoice with me, reader, and check out his stuff
http://ratedn.livejournal.com/ . Feast.