(no subject)

Aug 05, 2005 17:47

This was also written Aug. 3rd... lol...

Here I am again to let off a little steam.... I have a question for all of you brillant minds out there.... Here Goes....

What is the purpose of a Customer Service Representative????

Do they have any specific purpose other than answering phones and getting cussed @??? I am beginning to wonder.... are they really supposed to make a difference?? Am I really supposed to fix peoples problems?? I work @ BFI, soon to be Allied Waste. People call me and expect that I can fix their problems. Sadly, I have no ability to do so because of the supervisor/management staff here. Basically, people call in when they are missed or need a bin for recycle or for garbage.... and I take their info and I put it in the computer and I hope that someone will help them. It rarely happens though that they actually get helped. I brought a problem to my supervisor a minute ago and she says...
"I have better things to do, than deal w/ that". Nice huh? I guess I just need to stop caring that these people need my help and accept that this is just the way I make a living.... I should just save all my heart and compassion for one day when I become a missionary cuz I sure ain't gonna be able to help anyone here. It gets so frustrating because people cuss us out and call us liars and think that we are not doing our job... when we are... or at least some of us are....

Anyway.... My new puppy is sooooo cute..... He is sweet and very timid. We decided to call him... or should I say Kara decided to call him Nosmo king. We are gonna call him Nos for short... like Nitrious Oxicide.... heehee... like what they put in the Race Cars in "The Fast and the Furious". :) Anyway... see if you can figure out the name.... Nosmo King..... get it.... No Smoking.... hahahahaha.... my daughter is so awesome!!! I really like this name though.... Nosmo... it is very cute. :)

Church is tonight and I don't wanna go... not that I don't wanna go to church, but I wanna stay home cuz school starts tomorrow and I wanna get everything ready. We have drama too. That could be fun. I think we are doing the skit we practiced last week tonight. It was purdy funny. I am pretty excited that we are gonna start doing these small groups @ church... they sound way neato. Me and Libby might do one together, but currently that is top secret. I will let you know if it happens... Other than that I plan on taking a single parents class, a worship song sign-teaching class and I am gonna be the JBQ coach... or one of them at least. That should be fun stuff....

Anyway.... I guess that tis it for now....

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