As I have a tendency to make up a random word and then completely forget what it was, or what I said it was, I have compiled a list for my (and the other character's) benefit. If something has been mentioned and explained to you (and even if it hasn't) it will be listed here. If I have no explanation, call me on it. I'll make something up.
Over the next little while, I might add the names of characters who have received explanations for the creatures from Luna, adding a "name only" or "explanation" tag beside. "Name only" means the character has heard the name of the creature but not the explanation.
Those that you will need to know are listed at the top, followed by the ones that Luna mentions most often, and then after that they're in... reverse chronological order. When Luna mentions another, I'll add it to the top instead of the bottom for easy access.
Dingery Bats
A Dingery Bat is presumed to be a Bat that infects a person with its poison, causing them to hallucinate vividly for several weeks. Not much has been wirten about the Dingery Bat, because when leaving the hallucination the person forgets what happened there. It seems, though, that the Dingery Bats run on their own timeline, and when they bite someone that person joins others who have been bitten in a collective unconscious of places, which changes on occation (ie: Malahsa, DauphinMare).
Note that Luna's theory has to keep being altered with each new discovery she makes, and as you can see, it's beginning to contradict itself. It's only a matter of time before it falls apart completely, forcing her to deal with the reality of her situation, which will not be a pretty sight. If you don't want to be involved in the breakdown, be careful how much you push the theory.
First mention Catropalogot
A strange sort of being that was said to be oddly catlike in appearance, though no one could ever tell as no one had ever been able to see one straight on. It has the appearance of being in two places at once, so one has to turn their head just right to get the image of the creature to appear at the corner of each eye to be able to see it clearly. Luna may try to do this from time to time - if she is quiet for any length of time, assume she is searching for a Catropalogot.
First appearance MULTIPLE MENTIONS
Dager Dust
Luna believes that Dager Dust is the best way to protect yourself against a vampire. Why though, I am not sure. She didn't bring any along with her to Malahsa DauphineMare, but she believes that it wouldn't be difficult for her to make some if she needed to.
First mention Solmagons
Solmagons are small, red creatures, with spikes on their backs that have a sort of liquid in them. If you step on them, the spikes prick you, and your foot will be sore for weeks. They make their home in sandy areas, but can be removed using "Solmagon-remover", which you can make yourself.
First mention Moggles
They infect trees. When a tree is infected with Moggles, you can press on it with your wand, applying a bit of pressure to force them out. If you apply too much pressure, sparks will begin to fly out of your wand in your standard (House) colours. It, again, likely won't hurt you unless provoked. This creature is more bug-like than the Wilderbugs, oddly enough. Rounded abdomen, small, black, with 6 legs. If provoked, it will bury into your skin and drink your blood.
First mention Wilderbugs
Wilderbugs presumably will not attack you unless you provoke them, but they have very sharp and large teeth for the size of them. They eat trees, leaves, and sticks in the forest, decimating the homes of other wildlife in the process.
First mention THE OTHERS
Splyguide Wax
Likely some sort of potion that can be developed to be rid of Noctivals. I'm thinking... sun in a bottle? So... yellow and... pulsating? I don't know. I'm hardly as clever as Luna.
First mention Noctivals
Think 'albino owl with red eyes'. Except bigger. And with pointier teeth.
First mention Vilturates
A creature that is well known for feeding on the carcasses of dead animals, but burying most of it to save for later.
First appearance Unknown
I'm fairly certain Luna blathered on about some sort of creature to Willow while Edward and Bella were getting reacquainted. I'll read over the thread when I get a chance (she says like she needs an excuse... :P)
Diargable Blood
...apparently gives you a very recognizable nose.
Luna mentioned a creature to Edward, I'm fairly sure. I remember making something up. I'll reread over the thread again when I get a chance (again, like I need an excuse... :P)
The Groosbal
A creature who likes wooden things.
First mention Magdalites
All that has been mentioned about Magdalites is that they like desert climates, and have likely overrun Malahsa's forest.
First mention