Aug 11, 2010 03:44
So this month's DEP meeting was a big wake up call. Instead of putting up with Radford jawboning, we got a replacement to conduct the meeting. New guy was Sgt. Royster, and he decided it was a good day for some PT. No big deal, right? Negative.
I had no idea I was so out of shape. Out of our 8 person DEP flight, I set the curb for suck in each category. I almost blacked out from a single lap. Even the girls beat me by a landslide, if you buy into that chauvinist stuff.
I figured I would have done much better, but you don't know what hasn't been proven. I was aware that I needed to do some work before basic, but I was a little fuzzy on just how much. Now I know. I had casually talked about getting in shape before, but I never did anything about it. Today I had a realization. I am fond of words, but not of deeds. I am a lazy bastard.
But after today's embarrassment, I'm serious about starting a fitness regiment. I need some running shoes too. Every other day should be fine.
I'm starting to understand that the Air Force is going to take more work than I first realized.
air force,