SMD: The Galactic Senshi
Sailorblackhole Sailorcomet Sailorhathor Bastet Sailoricarus Sailorpulsar and Sailorquasar Sailorblackhole
Above art drawn by Nancy and colored by Laurel.
This character has songs on the Soundtrack!
SENSHI IDENTITY: Sailorblackhole, the Senshi and Bride of the Void
REAL NAME: Nezumiiro Kyomu (Name means Grey Nothingness)
NICKNAME: Nezumi; her friend Tori calls her Zuzu at times
AMERICAN DUB NAME ^_^ : Charlotte Notting
SENSHI COLORS: Fuschia, black, and sea green
WEAPONS AND ATTACKS: Sailorblackhole is the keeper of the Black Hole Brooch, which contains within it the Bride's Bauble. This brooch allows her to transform and is the source of her powers.
- Atom Shredder: Sailorblackhole crosses her wrists over one another with her hands in the typical "heavy metal" or "protection against the evil eye" sign (index and pinky up, other fingers down with the thumb on top of them) and points herself toward the target. She calls, "Atom Shredder," and a green and purple swirling energy ball that is shaped like a black hole or galaxy emerges from her brooch. The energy ball floats and bobs between her raised fingers for a few seconds, building up power as it gets bigger. It becomes invisible, and then shoots at the enemy. Even though it is invisible, you can still tell where it is because the space around it seems to twist in a spiral as it passes through the air. Looking through the black hole warps what is behind it in this manner. The energy strikes the target and rips it apart atom by atom; as it is being torn up, the enemy seems to be swallowed in a spiraling motion by the miniature black hole from the point that it hits them until they are all gone. In essence, they are disintegrated.
- Multiple Atom Shredder: The same as the Atom Shredder, but the brooch releases several miniature black holes at the enemy instead of just one.
- Melody Mesmerize: This power stems from Blackhole's talent for singing. She begins singing to the enemies, and when she adds the lyrics, "Melody Mesmerize," to the song, everyone around her becomes mesmerized by her singing. It's almost as if they are hypnotized--even senshi can fall under her thrall, though it is harder to get them with this attack. When Blackhole hits a particularly high note and holds it, enemies become paralyzed (freeze in place), they are so mesmerized by her voice. If she is able to hold the note long enough, the enemies will swoon. The benefits of this attack are that it diverts the attention of the enemy and renders them helpless to fight back, so other senshi can take care of them.
- Void Teleport: A power Blackhole can use to teleport herself and anyone she is holding hands with (and they are holding hands with, and so on) to another location. When she says these words, a miniature black hole rises from her brooch and floats, lying flat, above the people who will be teleported. It floats down and engulfs their bodies, disintegrating them from the head down. Then the black hole flies to the new location and rests on the ground, where it levitates back up, putting the people back together as it moves from the feet to the head. This teleportation power could also be used if someone simply had possession of the Black Hole Brooch. This teleportation does not cause them pain unless someone has stolen the brooch and uses it to teleport. They could even be hurt permanently by the teleportation.
- Dimensional Fabric Decline: The most deadly power Sailorblackhole has, it can only be achieved as the Bride of the Void. The Bride could be considered the royal form of Nezumi/Blackhole. Technically, she is a princess of Hathor since that is where she comes from back in the time of Silver Millenium, but she does not recognize this form since the phantom voice she has been hearing in her head all of her life (both of her lives, in fact) told her it was her destiny to become the "Bride" of the black hole, the void. This is the voice of "Kei"(pronounced "Kay").
Essentially, Nezumi's fate is to become one with the black hole when she calls it up to send the world plunging into this destructive whirlpool. When Nezumi says, "Dimensional Fabric Decline," whatever she is wearing seems to disintegrate and transform into her "bridal gown"--this is a wine-colored dress that reaches her ankles. With this dress she wears a particular necklace and belt-like piece of jewelry that match. The Bride puts her gloved hands together, palms flat as if she is praying, and says, "Please grant them peace in the void." With that, she begins to float. An invisible black hole grows out of her brooch and levitates behind her, which can only be seen in the same way the Atom Shredder can be seen. As the Bride sings the song that accompanies this attack, while also doing various hand motions much like the ones she does for the Atom Shredder, the black hole behind her becomes bigger and bigger. If this attack is stopped early on, the black hole will collapse on itself and the danger will be over. But if it is not stopped, the black hole will suck everything into it (people, buildings, trees, cars, even cute little puppies) and rip it all apart atom from atom until the entire world is destroyed. And I don't just mean what's on the planet, I mean the entire planet. In fact, the black hole will grow large enough to suck up the entire solar system in which it resides. The last thing it will inhale will be Nezumi herself, and that is why she is its "Bride."
Blackhole also has the power to shield other people. She simply concentrates on that person and they are surrounded by a purple and green aura that protects them from harm. This shielding will only last for a short time, but it can keep the person from getting hurt by some of the strongest attacks. Sailorblackhole does not use this shielding very much because she thinks it is cheating to use it in battle; it blocks the natural order of life and death. But there certainly are people she would use it for.
TRANSFORMATION: Nezumi puts her hands together in front of the Black Hole Brooch, as if she is praying, and says her transformation phrase, "Black Hole Galactic Power, Make-up!" Four miniature black holes come out of the brooch and fly to each of Nezumi's arms and legs. They move from her fingers and toes toward her body, disintegrating her clothes as they go. Once they finish with the garment on her torso, the black holes merge and rotate before her chest, producing her top, bows, and skirt. Then they separate again and move down her arms and legs to make her sleeves, gloves, stockings, and shoes. Finally, the black holes merge once more and sink into the brooch in the middle of Blackhole's bow. She returns to the position she started in, praying, for her senshi pose.
DESCRIPTION: Nezumi has pale skin, shoulder length sea green hair with some curl to it and no bangs, and sea green eyes. As Sailorblackhole, she wears the fuku of the Galactic senshi. The Galactics are the senshi that come from outer space objects that have no other definite team, such as meteors, asteroids, and comets. Their fuku consists of the normal skirt, choker, bows, and tiara, but the top is different--they wear a long sleeve jacketish top with short gloves that only reach the wrist. This top buttons up the front. The following items are black on Blackhole's uniform: tiara, choker jewel, collar, front bow, skirt, and shoes. Her shoes are black patent with a thin heel and two snap button straps. Realistically, the straps should button to the outside, but I wasn't thinking when I had Nancy draw them, so I guess Nezumi will just have to listen to her buttons clink together all the time as she walks. ~_^ The following items on Blackhole's uniform are fuschia: tiara jewel, choker fabric, collar stripe, and jacket top. She also wears white stockings and white gloves. Her back bow is sea green. The buttons on Blackhole's jacket and shoes are silver. Sailorblackhole's transformation item is a brooch, the Black Hole, which resembles a typical artist's conception of what a black hole might look like--a multi-layer spiral with tendrils, much like a galaxy. Inside, it holds the Bride's Bauble, a jewel that allows Nezumi to transform and call up her powers.
The Black Hole Brooch. Art by Laurel. The first picture is the brooch from the outside, and the second picture is the brooch from the inside, including the Bride's Bauble.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: I consider this a story spoiler, so I have put this info at the bottom of the page. If you want this spoiled for you, scroll down and read.
OCCUPATION: Operatic concert singer and student at Cherry Blossom College
AGE: 18
SPACE STUFF: The most simple description of what a black hole is is an invisible gravity whirlpool. Nothing can escape the gravity pull of a black hole, not even light. Massive stars crush themselves into black holes. Time and space travel through a black hole is impossible because any craft or person plunging into it would be ripped apart atom from atom on the way through. Of course only so much of the power of a black hole can be represented in a magical girls' series (she's gotta have SOME weaknesses).
EXTRA: Nezumi's sisters are Kikan (Sailorhathor) and Adrianna
There are more pictures of this character on the following pages:
Group ArtRoyalty
Cliff Notes
SPOILERS AHOY! (Scroll past this portion quickly if you don't want any spoilers.)
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Three little girls showed up in the thorny briar forest surrounding the castle of Hathor unexpectedly one day. The kingdom of Hathor was located on the asteroid of the same name, so no one could fathom how these three girls whom no one recognized nor claimed got there; after all, the kingdom of Hathor was not that large. The children were all female and very young. At the time, the oldest was three, the middle child was two, and the youngest was barely a month old. The oldest child had to carry the baby in a basket, which was obviously hard for her. The three girls were taken to the castle so their identities could be uncovered. Upon seeing the poor, precious babies all covered in thorn cuts and dirt, the Queen instantly fell in love with them and wanted to raise them as her own. The Queen herself could not have children, so adopting these girls would be a good idea to ensure the kingdom of heirs. Since no one claimed them, the children were indeed adopted by the king and queen. A note inside the basket read, "I can no longer care for my babies. Please take good care of them," and identified the children by age and name--Kikan was the oldest, Nezumiiro was the middle child, and Adrianna was the baby.The Queen showered her adopted daughters with attention and material things to try to make up for their rough beginnings in life. It was never discovered who their real parents were.
When they each reached the age of 14, Kikan and Nezumi mysteriously received the powers of senshi--Kikan became Sailorhathor, and Nezumi became Sailorblackhole. Many people were shocked at this turn of events because usually only the blood children of mages and royalty became senshi. What was even more shocking was the level of power these girls had--both harbored massively deadly powers. But as long as they were the protectors of the kingdom, their powers were thought of as an asset.
When Metallia, Queen Beryl, and her army attacked the solar system, they eventually advanced on the asteroid Hathor, but everyone there was unprepared to deal with it because something tragic had happened--someone had murdered the king and queen. The kingdom, in mourning, was preparing for the funeral when they were attacked. The citizens turned to Sailorhathor and Blackhole to protect the kingdom. No one knows why, but the senshi suddenly turned on their own loyal subjects and attacked them, appearing to side with Metallia. The only conclusion anyone could come to was that the girls had been brainwashed, so the citizens fought back, taking them by surprise, and stoned them to death. Adrianna had never exhibited any signs of being a senshi, but out of fear, the citizens killed her too. Then Metallia's army successfully wiped out the entire kingdom.
Hathor, Blackhole, and Adrianna were all reincarnated with the others when Queen Serenity sent the senshi into the future.
Art drawn by Nancy. Colored by Laurel. The flying comet behind her is a picture from a book about space.
SENSHI IDENTITY: Sailorcomet, the Senshi of the First Courier
REAL NAME: Sutoriikingu Tsurara (means Streaking Icicle)
AMERICAN DUB NAME ^_^ : Halley Randall
BIRTHDATE & SIGN: Not typed yet
SENSHI COLORS: Dark blue, light blue, and white
TEAM: A member of the Galactic Senshi
- Comet Cruiser: Sailorcomet puts her hands together in front of her, fingers pointing at the enemy. She says, "Comet Cruiser," and then folds her hands open, palms up. A mini-comet materializes out of thin air, hovering above her hands, with a loud tone. Comet takes the comet by the tail and starts to spin around with it, building up centrifugal force. After a few seconds of furious spinning, she lets the comet go. It slams into the enemy; this feels to them like getting beaned with an oversized baseball thrown by a major league pitcher. The impact shatters the center of the comet into pieces, which throws dust in every direction; this dust can affect other enemies standing close by. The comet dust is very cold. Certain aspects of this attack were created for me by Sailor Marla; it was a joint effort between us.
TRANSFORMATION: Sailorcomet holds up her transformation wand and shouts, "First Courier Galactic Power, Make-Up!" The wand transforms into a mini-comet which spirals around various parts of her body. Everywhere the comet has been, it leaves behind her fuku. First it spirals around her mid-section, creating her body suit, jacket, and skirt with back bow, then it goes around her arms, leaving behind the rest of her jacket and gloves. The comet zips down around each of Sailorcomet's feet, making her high-heel shoes. It then flies up past her neck and forehead and her choker and tiara appear. Finally, the comet flies in a knot pattern over her chest, the tail elongating, and becomes the front bow (the comet basically ties itself into a bow). The mini-comet settles in the middle of her bow, turning into a solid brooch-like decoration, and she poses as Sailorcomet. Parts of this transformation were created for me by Sailor Marla; it was another joint effort.
DESCRIPTION: Sailorcomet wears the fuku of the Galactic senshi, who are the senshi that come from asteroids, meteors, comets, stars, so on.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Thousands of years ago, messages needed to be taken from one solar system to another quickly, without using too much teleportation energy. The system that was devised to supplement teleportation was increased use of comets. They could pass from one solar system to another quickly and take with them messages to be delivered from one kingdom to another. After awhile, it became popular to use comets to deliver messages and people from planet to planet. Sailor/Princess Comet lived in the kingdom of Comet, so named because it resided on the first courier comet to be used. As a result, this comet came to be known as the First Courier. The Princess loved traveling from one place to another and meeting so many different types of people. When Metallia attacked, her forces destroyed the First Courier and killed Sailorcomet and her people while they passed through the Sol system. She was sent to the future to be reborn with the others. The fall of Silver Millenium and most of the Sol system caused the use of courier comets to go "out of style" so to speak; that is why they are not used for this purpose today, at least not in Earth's solar system. Instead, many abandoned comets now roam the galaxies as lonely space flotsam, left to decay. What remains of the First Courier still orbits the Sol system at a much slower pace, and is now known as Halley's Comet.
OCCUPATION: Tori is the voice coach of the Kyomu Sisters, a famous singing group. She prefers to be the woman behind such big stars instead of being the center of attention herself.
AGE: 21
SPACE STUFF: A comet is a small body of ice and dust in orbit around the sun. It can be thought of as a dirty snowball with a tail of dust trailing behind it as it moves swiftly through space.
Sailorcomet's Transformation Wand
Art traced, modified, and colored by Laurel. This is a typical Galactic Senshi wand, with many points on its star and a comet engraved into its surface to show who it belongs to.
This character has additional art on the following pages:
Group ArtRoyalty
Cliffs Notes
Above art drawn by Nancy. Modified and colored by Laurel. The Sistrum Staff was drawn by Laurel.
I decided after I colored this art that Hathor's front and back bows are both the same color, the darker blue of the back bow.
This character has songs on the Soundtrack!
SENSHI IDENTITY: Sailorhathor, the Senshi of Revenge
REAL NAME: Kikan Kyomu (Name means Mirror Nothingness)
NICKNAME: Some call her Kiki at times
AMERICAN DUB NAME ^_^ : Candace Notting
SENSHI COLORS: Grey, black, and sparkly blue
WEAPONS AND ATTACKS: Sailorhathor is the keeper of the Sistrum Staff. It is a long silver pole with a large oval-shaped mirror on one end and a mirror ball on the other. The mirror ball (yes, like a disco ball) is actually the rattle part of the Sistrum; it makes loud menacing rattle noises when Hathor strikes it on the ground. On the top, the mirror is rimmed in silver framing that forms three curlies on its surface. At the top of this mirror are two symbols of the goddess Hathor, the sun disc and two cattle horns. The mirror rests on a stylized black... thingie... ???
Sailorhathor's transformation item is her necklace, the Hathor Hieroglyphic Mirror. It is described in the Description section below.
Because Hathor is my favorite mythological goddess of all time, I couldn't help but create more powers for her than Sailorhathor probably needs. :D There are just too many awesome stories associated with her that gave me so many neat ideas that I couldn't stand to leave even one out.
- Scarab Cloud: Sailorhathor holds up the Sistrum Staff and speaks the words, "Scarab Cloud!" A huge amount of golden scarab beetles fly out of the mirror and form clouds around the enemy that are hard to see through. This is a defensive attack meant to blind the target.
- Scarab Strangle: This attack begins the same way as Scarab Cloud, but the scarabs actually attack the target by forcing their way into the enemy's body (through the mouth, nose, ears, and burrowing through the skin) and biting them from the inside out, or clogging up their throat so they cannot breathe. A very gruesome attack. Hathor can lessen the effect if she does not want to kill the enemy or for the attack to be quite so gruesome.
- Bloodthirsty Eye: When Hathor points the Sistrum at her target, cattle horns aimed at them, she says, "Bloodthirsty Eye," and red-brown energy courses over the sundisk and cattle horns. Suddenly the energy shoots from the tips of the horns to hit the enemy in the heart, from which it flows over their entire body. This attack begins to extract the blood from the person's body through their eyes, nose, mouth, and ears--it flows through the air back into the cattle horns on the Sistrum. Sailorhathor can vary the intensity of the attack depending on how much she wants to hurt the enemy, and how fast.
- Reflection Fracture: Another defensive power. It is used to break apart the attacks of others. When the Sistrum is held before someone else's approaching attack, Hathor says, "Reflection Fracture." Several octagon-shaped mirrors dancing with color come out of the big mirror in the Sistrum. The octagons have longer sides than they do tops; I'll eventually get a drawing up of their shape. The smaller mirrors smash into the attack, shattering themselves, but also breaking apart the attack. These mirrors make the tinkling sounds of windchimes as they move.
- The Nile Runs with my Venom: When Hathor speaks the name of this attack, a quick stream of contaminated river water spurts out of her necklace in the middle of her bow and squirts the enemy in the face. This instantly fills their bloodstream with intoxicating poison; the effect is much like alcohol poisoning. The enemy will usually pass out in reaction.
- Sekhmet's Vengeance: Sailorhathor's most deadly attack, based on sheer number of people she can successfully disable with it. Before this attack can begin, someone must ask Hathor to enact revenge for them using the proper magical words. She will carry out their vengeance in the way they request. The power to carry out this revenge will most likely be given to her. The attack usually happens in the following way: Hathor says, "Sekhmet's Vengeance." The Sistrum levitates upright in front of her so everyone can see into the mirror. Sailorhathor raises her arms above her head in the curved form of the cattle horns with her hands pointing in, and closes her eyes in concentration. Then Hathor takes up the Staff and attacks with it. The "twirlies" on the mirror unravel and strike out at the people who are targeted for revenge. Each person sees what is about to happen to them reflected in the mirror just seconds before it really happens. Hathor can also use the cattle horns to impale her targets. This attack can level entire armies if necessary, depending on what type of weapons the army possesses. The twirlies are like spikes with razor sharp edges, so they can do a great deal of damage, even cause death. While performing this attack, it's almost like Hathor goes into a "berserker" trance, because she will not stop until she has either brought down all enemies around her, or until she is stopped.
TRANSFORMATION: Kikan says her transformation phrase, "Hathor Galactic Power, Make-up!" Streams of blood emerge from her necklace on all sides and form a "wall" in front of her, like a levitating puddle. Then the puddle splashes Kikan all over her front, as if she has fallen into it, although she is standing up the entire time. As the blood runs off her body, it "dissolves" Kikan's clothes. The blood forms spirals that move around individual parts of her body and create her fuku. Hathor takes off her necklace and places it over the middle of her front bow where it stays; this causes the horns of the Sistrum to magically emerge from Hathor's chest (sort of like how the Sword of Dios comes out of the chest of Anthy in Revolutionary Girl Utena). With an ecstatic expression, Sailorhathor pulls the staff from her chest as she lays back to make this easier for herself. The staff eventually gets too long to draw out in this manner, so Hathor stands upright again and pulls the staff forward so the rest of it emerges from her torso in one sweep. The transformation is complete when she poses with her staff as Sailorhathor.
DESCRIPTION: Kikan has medium toned skin, shoulder-blade length red-brown hair with a little bit of bangs (her hair is the color of drying blood), and eyes the same color. As Sailorhathor, she wears the fuku of the Galactic senshi. The Galactics are the senshi that come from outer space objects that have no other definite team, such as meteors, asteroids, and comets. Their fuku consists of the normal skirt, choker, bows, and tiara, but the top is different--they wear a long sleeve jacketish top with short gloves that only reach the wrist. This top buttons up the front. The following items are black on Hathor's uniform: tiara jewel and jacket top. The following items on Hathor's uniform are grey: tiara, choker fabric, collar, skirt, and knee-high snap-up boots. Her bows are both sparkly blue (the front bow should be the same color as the back bow; I messed up in the coloring above). The buttons on Sailorhathor's jacket and boots are silver, as is her choker jewel. The stripe on her collar and her gloves are white. Sailorhathor's transformation item is the oval mirror that rests in the middle of her front bow. While she is Kikan, this is a necklace. The pendant is an oval-shaped mirror trimmed in silver with the hieroglyphic for Hathor engraved on its surface. This hieroglyphic symbol looks like a bird inside a box. There is a picture of it below. Hathor's talisman is described above in the Weapons section.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: I consider this a story spoiler, so you'll find this information at the bottom of the page.
OCCUPATION: Singer and concert pianist
AGE: 19
GUARDIAN: Sailorhathor's guardian is a sleek tan cat named Bastet, after the Egyptian goddess of cats. Bastet wears a collar set with rubies and trimmed in gold, and a gold earring with the hieroglyphics for "Hathor's cat" on it.
MYTHOLOGY: Hathor was principally an Egyptian cow goddess associated with the sky as the Celestial Cow who formed the heavens. The arts (dancing, music, painting, singing, etc.) and intoxication also fall under her dominion.
Symbols of this goddess include the sistrum (a type of rattle), the horns and sundisk headdress (in much later times, incorporated into the attire of Isis), the menat (a ritual necklace), and mirrors. Priests of Hathor also functioned as oracles and midwives, and interpreted people's dreams.
A story involving Hathor is called "The Destruction of Mankind." In this story, Ra, the sun god and Hathor's father, requested that Hathor act as his Eye (The Eye of Ra) and become Sekhmet, the goddess of war. As Sekhmet, she would get revenge on mankind for transgressing against Ra. Hathor was so enthusiastic at her task that she nearly wiped out all of humanity. This is not how Ra wanted things to turn out, but no one could make Hathor cease her slaughter. Ra conspired to stop the goddess by having a concoction of beer and red coloring made up to look like blood. Some 7,000 jars were made, and the red beer was poured over the fields so they appeared to be running with the blood of humanity.
When Hathor saw the fields, she smacked her lips and began to drink it up to satisfy her bloodlust. Of course it was only beer and Hathor became so drunk on it that she forgot what she was doing. When she sobered up, she went back to being her usual, nice self.
In another myth, "The Distant Goddess," Hathor becomes angry with Ra and wanders away from Egypt. Lost without his Eye, Ra tries to find someone to get her back. Eventually Thoth, the god of the moon and inventor of writing and speech, agrees to lure her to Egypt by putting on a disguise and telling her stories all the way back home. Back in Egypt, Hathor bathes in the Nile, which turns red and boils from the effort of cooling her rage. Again she settles into her normally gentle demeanor.
Later in time, Hathor began to be thought of as a goddess of love and beauty, and her visage was softened by her association with the cat goddess Bastet.
Many of these factors and stories concerning Hathor have influenced my fansenshi based on her.
SPACE STUFF: Hathor is the name of an actual asteroid in our solar system. It is located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It is also considered an Aten asteroid, which is one that passes within the orbit of the Earth at some point in its orbit around the sun. Hathor will make a close pass to the Earth next in the year 2069.
EXTRA: Kikan's sisters are Nezumi (Blackhole) and Adrianna.
Additional pictures of Kikan/Sailorhathor:
There are more pictures of this character on the following pages:
Group ArtRoyalty
SPOILERS AHOY! (Scroll really fast past this section if you don't want any spoilers.)
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Hathor was always an asteroid in the orbital path of the planet Juno. That is why Sailorhathor became a Galactic Senshi instead of some sort of senshi associated with Juno.
Three little girls showed up in the thorny briar forest surrounding the castle of Hathor unexpectedly one day. The kingdom of Hathor was located on the asteroid of the same name, so no one could fathom how these three girls whom no one recognized nor claimed got there; after all, the kingdom of Hathor was not that large. The children were all female and very young. At the time, the oldest was three, the middle child was two, and the youngest was barely a month old. The oldest child had to carry the baby in a basket, which was obviously hard for her. The three girls were taken to the castle so their identities could be uncovered. Upon seeing the poor, precious babies all covered in thorn cuts and dirt, the Queen instantly fell in love with them and wanted to raise them as her own. The Queen herself could not have children, so adopting these girls would be a good idea to ensure the kingdom of heirs. Since no one claimed them, the children were indeed adopted by the king and queen. A note inside the basket read, "I can no longer care for my babies. Please take good care of them," and identified the children by age and name--Kikan was the oldest, Nezumiiro was the middle child, and Adrianna was the baby.
The Queen showered her adopted daughters with attention and material things to try to make up for their rough beginning in life. It was never discovered who their real parents were.
When they each reached the age of 14, Kikan and Nezumi mysteriously received the powers of senshi--Kikan became Sailorhathor, and Nezumi became Sailorblackhole. Many people were shocked at this turn of events because usually only the blood children of mages and royalty became senshi. What was even more shocking was the level of power these girls had--both harbored massively deadly powers. But as long as they were the protectors of the kingdom, their powers were thought of as an asset.
When Metallia, Queen Beryl, and her army attacked the solar system, they eventually advanced on the asteroid Hathor, but everyone there was unprepared to deal with it because something tragic had happened--someone had murdered the king and queen. The kingdom, in mourning, was preparing for the funeral when they were attacked. The citizens turned to Sailorhathor and Blackhole to protect the kingdom. No one knows why, but the senshi suddenly turned on their own loyal subjects and attacked them, appearing to side with Metallia. The only conclusion anyone could come to was that the girls had been brainwashed, so the citizens fought back, taking them by surprise, and stoned them to death. Adrianna had never exhibited any signs of being a senshi, but out of fear, the citizens killed her too. Then Metallia's army successfully wiped out the entire kingdom.
Hathor, Blackhole, and Adrianna were all reincarnated with the others when Queen Serenity sent the senshi into the future.
Above art drawn and colored by Laurel, modified from a photo of an actual cat.
NAME: Bastet
DESCRIPTION: A slinky tan-colored cat with green eyes. Bastet wears a collar set with rubies and trimmed in gold, and a gold earring with the hieroglyphics for "Hathor's cat" on it.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Bastet is the guardian of Sailorhathor
OCCUPATION: Dorm cat ~_^
EXTRA: Bastet has a unique way of speaking. Because she is a very slinky cat, she rolls out many of her "S"s in a hissing fashion. This will always be expressed with three S's, to make her way of speaking distinctive. An example: "My name isss Bassstet. You are Luna of Sssilver Millenium?"
MYTHOLOGY: Bastet was an Egyptian cat-headed goddess who has her origins in the myths of Hathor and Sekhmet, being specifically the benevolent counterpart of Sekhmet. She is strongly associated with domesticated cats.
Art drawn by Nancy and colored by Laurel. Icarus Wings and Kite drawn and colored by Laurel. (The Wings are actually a hang glider.)
SENSHI IDENTITY: Sailoricarus, the senshi of the asteroid Icarus
REAL NAME: Wilamina Shukuen (last name means Destiny)
AMERICAN DUB NAME ^_^: Wilamina Shue
SENSHI COLORS: Lime green, yellow, and a medium pink (her jacket is not supposed to be quite so dark; that's why I call the color lime green - if you look at the first pic of Icarus linked below, you'll see that the color is much closer to what I was going for)
WEAPONS AND ATTACKS: Sailoricarus is the keeper of Icarus' Wings (which is in this case a hang glider). The hang glider has a sunburst pattern on it that is red, yellow, and orange.
Other attacks will eventually be typed up, including the one involving the kite pictured above.
DESCRIPTION: Not typed yet
AGE: I know I have this written down somewhere...
OCCUPATION: This too...
EXTRA: Wila is the sister of Glen, who is Soldierlammas.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Sailoricarus comes from the asteroid Icarus, where she was the princess of its kingdom. Her brother in her past life was Prince Icarus, who is her brother in this life as well, Glen of the Valhalla Commune.
When Icarus was attacked by Metallia, it went spinning out of control. (I'm making note of that here because the asteroid only takes about 2.5 hours to spin on its axis, which is extremely fast.) As Icarus was currently on its closest approach to the sun, the citizens of the Kingdom of Icarus were hurtled into the sun.
MYTHOLOGY: The tale of Icarus comes from Greek mythology. Icarus and his father were imprisoned on the island of Crete. His father built them each a pair of wings so they could escape by flying off the isle, but there were risks involved. Icarus was warned not to fly too high because the sun might melt the wax that held the wings together. Unfortunately, Icarus became so exhilarated by flight that he flew far too high, and fell to his death when the wings came apart.
SPACE STUFF: Icarus is an asteroid from the Apollo group. They are a group of near-Earth asteroids that typically have an orbital semi-major axis more significant than that of our planet (it goes out further from the Sun than the Earth) and a perihelion less than it (it approaches the Sun closer than Earth). In the case of Icarus, it has an eccentric orbit that takes it closer to the Sun than Mercury and farther out than the orbit of Mars.
Additional art of Sailoricarus:
Sailoricarus/Wilamina has more art on the following pages:
Group Art Sailorpulsar and Sailorquasar
Sailorpulsar and Sailorquasar
Art modified and colored by Laurel, from anime art of Sailorsaturn. This pic reflects the correct coloring of Sailorpulsar's fuku.
This is Nancy's art of the twin senshi. Colored by Laurel, but a little incorrectly, as I changed my mind later since I didn't think the color combo looked good on Sailorpulsar. Pulsar is on the left in the above picture. Her jacket is cerulean blue (the darker blue), as are her sandals. Here's where the colors become different than what you see above - Pulsar's skirt and collar are turquoise, and her front and back bows are metallic silver. The description of Sailorquasar will be in the fuku description section below.
SENSHI IDENTITY: Sailorpulsar and Sailorquasar, the Twin Senshi of Sound and Light
REAL NAMES: Kougen (Quasar, Light) & Mabataki (Pulsar, Sound) Kashokuno (Kougen Kashokuno means Source of Bright Light. Mabataki Kashokuno means Flicker of Bright Light.)
NICKNAMES: Gen and Maba
AMERICAN DUB NAME ^_^ : Jen and Marlena Cashew
BIRTHDATE & SIGN: May 27th, Gemini (you knew that one was coming ~_^)
SENSHI COLORS: Metallic silver, turquoise, and cerulean blue
TEAM: A member of the Galactic Senshi
WEAPONS AND ATTACKS: Because they are twins, Pulsar and Quasar have some of the same attacks with slight differences, and one combined attack, as well as individual ones.
Sailorpulsar's attacks:
- Radio Rockstar Da Da Dah: The "Da da dah" part of this attack was inspired by the Kirby games for Nintendo and SNES; in one of the Kirby games, when he uses the Mike (microphone) attack, he sings, "DadaDAH!" and it's just so adorable. :D To use this attack, Pulsar cries, "Radio..." A pink portable radio appears in her hands. She tosses it to the enemy, who usually catches it out of confusion, or just to keep from getting hit by it. Then Pulsar says, "...Rockstar..." and a microphone materializes in her hands. Into the microphone she sings, "Da da DAH!" The enemy holding the radio is hit with humongous bursts of radio waves, but only within their own head. It would be like having a radio turned up extremely loud inside your head every few seconds. It causes great pain. All they can hear as long as they hold the radio is, "DAH DAH DAH! (echo) DAH DAH DAH! (echo)" and so on. Either they have to get themselves together enough to drop the radio, or someone has to knock it out of their hand. If they hold the radio too long, they will first have hearing loss, then, within another minute, their head will explode. Literally. From cute to gory! >:-D
- X-Ray Marrow Tap: Sailorpulsar holds her hands before her face with the palms facing out, index fingers and thumbs together at the tip. She peers in the hole made there and says, "X-Ray Marrow Tap!" A ball of light poofs to life in the space made by her fingers and thumbs. When she draws her hands apart, the ball becomes larger. Then Pulsar flicks it at the enemy. The light ball strikes the enemy in some part of their body, whatever it reaches first, and is dissolved into their skin. The enemy feels like their skeleton is trying to make a hasty exit out of their body as everyone around them can see them in x-ray. The effects last for about 10 seconds. You can imagine how something like this would hurt. Once the 10 seconds are up, the light exits the person's body through a convenient orifice, leaving their bones in tact. However, if Pulsar gets mad enough, she can break bones while the light ball is inside the enemy's body. She just has to mime the bone breaking for it to happen. She can also bend bones this way, but not break them. All can be used to put the enemy in a world of hurt. Using the attack to break bones will not always be the best idea, though, because it means Pulsar has to concentrate on the enemy for longer periods of time, leaving her vulnerable.
Sailorquasar's attacks:
- Cymbals Superstar La La La: Something like Pulsar's attack, but with big differences. When Quasar says, "Cymbals..." two large cymbals appear in her hands. She cries, "Superstar!" and strikes a rocker pose. Then she claps the cymbals together as she sings, "La la la!" A burst of light between the cymbals produces radio waves that radiate out from the cymbals to attack the enemy. They hear, "LA LA LA!" sung in a more forceful voice like a heavier style of music would be sung in. If the enemy does not get out of the range of the waves, eventual head blowuppie. The cymbals could also be knocked from Sailorquasar's hands to stop the attack.
- Pulsating Spinning Trick of the Light: Quasar bows slightly with her arms out to her sides, sort of like she is bowing for a performance, while saying, "Pulsating..." All of the lights around her begin to pulsate like disco lights (lamps, streetlights, car headlights, whatever kind of light is around). She continues, "...Spinning..." and spins her finger up into the air. The lights look like they are spinning to the enemy she has targeted, making them dizzy. Finally she cries, "...Trick of the Light!" and motions at the enemy with both hands like she is throwing something at them. Light orbs shoot out of every available light and strike the enemy. The attack fills their body with light energy, which would drastically raise their body temperature. This gives them such a high fever that they would pass out, and their skin would be hot to the touch. Many enemies would be "healed" (turned good) by this attack, but if not, at least they will be incapacitated for a while. The attack can also be used to teleport a group; the light energy fills them, turning their body to light, then they are taken to the new location and the process is reversed to take the energy back out of their bodies, so they will be solid again. The major drawback to this attack/teleportation is that the energy taken out of the lights (lamps, streetlights, etc.) causes them to short out and often explode. Sailorquasar can cause city-wide blackouts if she is not careful!
The description of their combined attack is down at the bottom of the page in the spoiler section. Reading it will spoil a plot point for you.
TRANSFORMATION: Gen and Maba cross their transformation wands over one another and shout, "Pulsar Quasar Galactic Power, Make-up!" The twins usually transform together. A spiky ball of light, one of them pulsating, emerges from each wand. They hold hands above their heads, front to front, as the lights spin around them and create a bodysuit and skirt on each of their bodies. The two girls hold each other loosely about the waist and lean back so the balls of light can fly inbetween their chests. The lights dart down their bodies, puffing here and there to make a tiara, choker, collar, and front bow on each girl. Again Gen and Maba link hands and turn back to back, with their hands over their heads in a reverse of the position from the start of their transformation. The space behind them allows the light balls to fly inbetween their bodies and settle briefly on their lower backs like a writer dotting an "i," leaving behind their back bows. The girls twist around again until they stand side by side, and cross one foot over the other twin's closest foot so the balls of light can land there and create a pair of blue sandals on each twins' feet. Sailorpulsar palms one of the light balls, regarding its brilliance thoughtfully, and Sailorquasar holds the other one up as they victorously take their senshi pose.
If at any time the girls are not together and one encounters people in danger, that twin will transform as if the other is there, acting out the entire henshin sequence as if with an invisible partner.
DESCRIPTION: Sailorpulsar and Sailorquasar wear the fuku of the Galactic senshi, who are the senshi that come from asteroids, meteors, comets, stars, so on.
Sailorpulsar's jacket is cerulean blue (the darker blue), as are her sandals. Pulsar's skirt and collar are turquoise, and her front and back bows are metallic silver. Sailorquasar's jacket is metallic silver, her skirt and collar are cerulean blue, and her front and back bows are turquoise. Quasar's sandals are also turquoise. Both girls have the long sleeves and wrist-length gloves of Galactic Senshi.
PLACE IN THE SILVER MILLENIUM: Pulsar and Quasar came from another solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy, one that orbited a bright pulsar. They were the princesses of the Kingdom of Light, on the planet Brightness, the Princesses Pulsar and Quasar. The twins did much work for the poor and for orphans, and that is how they became friends with the princesses from Hathor. Pulsar and Quasar were their galactic pen pals, pretty much, and that is why they were visiting the day that Metallia attacked the Sol system, including the asteroid Hathor. Sailorpulsar and Quasar both died in the battle. This is why their souls were sent to Earth to be reborn with the others.
OCCUPATION: Maba is head seamstress and wardrobe mistress to the Kyomu Sisters, while Gen is their stylist and makeup artist.
AGE: 18
EXTRA: I've always wanted to have a set of twins for characters who did creepy things like finish each other's sentences and dress alike even though they are adults. The type of twins who have an unspoken, weird connection to each other that freaks other people out. That's pretty much what I'm aiming for with Gen and Maba.
SPACE STUFF: Pulsars are rapidly spinning, pulsating stars that send out short bursts of radio waves. Some emit x-rays also. They are what is left over from a star that exploded long ago. In time, even pulsars burn themselves out and become ash. Quasars are the size of stars and they give off tremendous light and energy, and radio waves. They are the most powerful sources of light in the universe. In fact, they give off so much light that they are as bright as a thousand galaxies.
There are more pictures of these characters on the following pages:
SMD Fan Art Group ArtRoyalty
Sailorquasar's Transformation Wand
Art traced, modified, and colored by Laurel.
Sailorpulsar's Transformation Wand
Art traced, modified, and colored by Laurel. Both Pulsar and Quasar's wands are typical Galactic Senshi wands with a ten-point star and some sort of symbol in the middle of it to represent the senshi who owns it. Pulsar and Quasar are symbolized by stars because their powers come from types of stars.
SPOILER SPACE... (Scroll really fast past this section if you don't want any spoilers.)
Combined Pulsar/Quasar attack - Whisper to a Scream: The title of this attack comes from a song by Soho, "Birds Fly," from the Scream soundtrack. Pulsar and Quasar cross their arms over their heads and extend one foot out in identical poses while they whisper, "Whisper to a Scream." An orb of light appears between each of their upraised fingers. The orbs grow in energy before the two senshi turn back to back. While they are doing this, the orbs float in their hands, and as they link hands, the orbs combine. Pulsar and Quasar now say, "Whisper to a Scream" louder. The light orb begins to grow so big that it surpasses their hands in size, shining around them. Finally the twins scream, "Whisper to a Scream!" and the light grows bigger and brighter until it overtakes the entire area. When the light calms back, the twins will be unmoving, frozen in place, and grey as ash. When touched, these "statues" of the two will crumble to dust, because using this attack kills them. Whisper to a Scream can have varying effects on an enemy, depending on how powerful they are--they will either be turned to ash too, or permanently blinded, or burned to a crisp by the white hot light.
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