The Sorry Post

Aug 16, 2008 21:22

I think I have to apologize. First to every single 30 Rock fan on that planet. Secondly, to Tina Fey and all the cast/crew of the show. And last but not least, to my dear, my beloved Kelly (I don't know if she'll "pass by", but I have to do that^^). Why? Because I've been saying that 30 Rock was not that amzing for months and months... And it is everything BUT true. Of course, there are so many things I would change if I were in charge -If I were in charge I wouldn't be here apologizing anyway^^- but there are also so many good things that the show's got a new fan: me. So, In do apologize and I leave you alone for my new episode of 30 Rock is now loaded =)

tv: 30 rock

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