I don't have a Halloween icon but I do have a pumpkin (sort of) :P Anyway, on with the actual post:
There are three fics that I want to write but I’ve been trying to get them all out of my head and onto my computer as fast as possible and it’s just not working. I kept telling myself that I needed to get it done by today because
NaNoWriMo starts on November the first.
Problem is that I’m doing about three times the amount of hours at work that I usually do: I have been for the last two weeks and I will be for at least another two weeks. I’m tired and I don’t have as much time as usual and I know I was never going to get these stories done in time. So I thought about it and maybe for other people November is the perfect month for NaNo, but for me, it’s not.
I really want to do it. Last year I failed horribly so I was hoping to make up for it this year. But I don’t really have the time and I don’t do well with competition - I end up spending more time logging on to the net to see how much everyone else has written then bothering to actually write my story. So I came to a decision: I’m going to do a personal NaNo during January or February. That way I still have a chance of finally getting this story out of my head and I get to do it at a convenient time rather than at a bloody annoying time.
Which means there should be some stories turning up here in the soonish future. I’m still not going to let myself write anything else until I make some decent progress with my je_holiday fic. I know what I want to write but I’m procrastinating on actually doing it. I still don’t think I know these boys well enough, but hopefully I’ll be able to find a beta who knows enough to point out any major faults (when I’ve actually written enough to need an editor).
♥Have a fun Halloween everyone! ^_^