Random update thingy.
I haven't been being a good LJer lately. I stopped even checking up on the fandom for a couple of weeks there. I'm paying attention again but I'm still generally too lazy to comment on even half the stuff that I should comment on.
I think mainly it's because I'm supposed to be doing stuff in my actual life and I've been slacking off so I haven't let myself do the stuff that I enjoy on the internet either. I need to get motivated and do stuff but I'm just not. Really I should be looking for a new job but blah. I don't actually want to. I love where I'm working now, I just don't like how ridiculously small my income is.
Anyway, In an attempt to get motivated I signed up for NaNoWriMo. I know I shouldn't have but I did anyway. Which means that on top of having to get my JE Hols fic written I also have to write a minimum of 1666words a day for the next 30 days. I think I may be clinically insane.
Here's hoping I don't go off the deep end.