"TORN" Recap part deuce.

Feb 16, 2010 00:41

Yaya for more seeker flail! On with the show.

And here starts the cracktasmicness of the episode. YAY! Heart!Kahlan moodswings!
Heart!Kahlan: "You had your hands all over him!"
Cara and Richard: *wtf poses/faces* (Because this moment definately requires the pose and the face.)
Richard: "She's wanted you ever since you rescued her from the Mord!Sith!"
Cara: "Nobody rescued me." *mord'sithface*
Richard: "Kahlan, honey? Is it the hormones? Do you need a cupcake?"
Heart!Kahlan: *gasp* "You love her."
Cara: EPIC EYEROLL TO PWN ALL EYEROLLS! Like i'm seriously standing here through this feminine shite?! OMG! *scratches out eyeballs*

Flaily!Clingy!Desperate!Kahlan - Adorable and heartwrenching in performance. But *scrunches nose* Don't really want her around all the time. Could get a little on the OMG!SHOOT!ME!SHE'S!ANNOYING! Side.

Gratuitous pretty that is for once, not a headshot of Kahlan. *izproud*


So, apparently a whole lot of plot happened between some of my pic-chunks. But that's a-oaky, because...you've all seen it anyway!! (For the most part.) Moving on..
THERE SHOULD BE LAWS AGAINST THIS MUCH PRETTY ON ONE SCREEN! Thank buckets Bridget's not actually a twin. *thud* We'd all be screwed. I actually thought this reveal was awesome. Head!Kahlan's all hoity-toity because she thinks she's the Smarty-pants POOBA! BUT! Richie springs a new on on her! *dances* LOOK! It's your emotionally overwhelming twin! If we didn't know better, we'd think she was already preggers. lol.

Head!Kahlan: "HA! I do have a nice ass."

Cara gets the big cap, because she's a little under-appreciated at the mo.
Head!Kahlan: "She has no powers?"
Heart!Kahlan: *hidesbehindrichard*
Head!Kahlan: "You can be with Richard. Do you feel incomplete? Remember, you can't lie to a Confessor, I think you know that."
Heart!Kahlan: "No, I don't feel incomplete. If you're a part of me then, I don't want you back. Not if it means i'd put duty above love. Not if it means I can never be Richard's wife."
Richard: "I'm never going to be your husband!"
Heart!Kahlan: "No, you'll change your mind! I can be everything that you want. I won't ask you to give up your quest. I'll love Cara like a sister and, and you can have her too, if that's what you want. And you'll love me, just like to did before!"
Cara: Why the hell am I still here? *wishes she could change channel*
Head!Kahlan: *isinnapropriatelyamused*

Spex: *can't believe heart!kahlan said that* *dies* HILARIOUS!!! CRACKTASTIC!!AWESOME!
They certainly did well at selling her as completely emotional and irrational. All she needs is an overwhelming craving for sausages and ice-cream and she's got the whole shibang!

"Yay!! I finally get to kill some bitches!!" HAZZAH!! AGIELS AT THE READY!! *protects Richie and Heart!Kahlan*
LOOK AT RICHARD'S ARM IN FIRST PIC!! (He's not got favourites, no wayz.)


HAHAHA, She confessed herself!! LOLZ! Why is this so funny? Who the heck knows, but it IS! BRIDGET REGAN HAS THE BEST BITCH!FACE EVER! *loves her* Not implying she's got a bitch bone in her body. Just, her Bitch!Face is AMAZING! LOOK!

Just giving Cara a chance to get her Badass on. *watches* Yep...that's goooooooood. I betya Bridg and Tabby had a hell of a fun time that day. It looks like fun! *wantsdress* Actually, for realz I want a jacket in the style of Kahlan's black one. I mean, i'd have it zip at the front for a little more modesty *needs it* (I'm unfortunately more endowed than Bridg.) But I really ADORE the sleeves and the hood and I think I might make that a project. Trying to find a pattern to make a jacket like that.

HAHAHA, This whole scene is just made of awesome, cracktastic, WIN! Heart!Kahlan confessed by Head!Kahlan, Head!Kahlan being held at Agiel!Point, Heart!Kahlan trapped in between killing Richard for her 'Mistress' (ironically, herself) and Head!Kahlan still thinking she's the POOBA! Lol. Sorry darl, just because you've got the chair and you wear the dress, doesn't mean you've got the goods for the job. (Well, we know she's got the goods) but not all the goods.
Cara: "I will win this argument." *looks tuff*

I just love this cap.
Of course, Head!Kahlan acquieses because she believes she's up-the-duff and then of course, Heart!Kahlan spins around with - OMG! METOO!! And they're all a little bit - "But....wha...?" There is blah blah blah about magical fragments and a KABLOOMY and we get KAHLAN BACK!


The Award for Most Beautiful Cap goes to -
Kahlan at Sunrise

The Award for Most Cracktastic Cap Pairing goes to -

And Beaver!face!Kahlan
Awww, that's love, matching Beaver!faces!

ARTISTS CHOICE! - "Random Standing around looking BOOOOOOOOREEEED."


legendoftheseeker, recap, picspam

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