Woooo Hoooo!

May 05, 2005 17:19

PT is finally finished!! The actual PT itself wasn't bad, but how it messed with my life 3 days a week got really old. I'll still be doing some exercises on my own, but at least now I can stay after at work and get stuff done. I am waaaaay behind!

My PT guys were great. I really appreciate all they did for me. When I look back at where I was when I went the first time, it amazes me how far I have come in 6 weeks. :)

Total change of subject.....a teaching story here.....One of my students is on meds for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I can always tell first thing when I see him, if he's taken his meds or not. On meds, he's the star of my 7th period class. He likes to work ahead and find the answers before I read the questions. He's extremely focused and motivated. He's also very well groomed.

Today he was literally rolling around my very dirty classroom floor in a ball. When he finished doing that, he went over to this knot hole in the wood of my door and was "watching" and yelling at the kids out in the cafeteria eating lunch. He followed that up with doing karate kicks across my class room, smacking another student on the back of the head, and writing inappropriate words on the chalk board. Today he tried to get his hair into "A Flock of Seagulls".

It amazes me how much meds help some kids. It also amazes that they medicate so many kids. There are so many that would be fine with out it. Then you meet someone like this kid who needs the medicine desperately. Ok....off the soap box now.... ;)

Edited to Add......I forgot to tell you the most amazing thing is that this boy isn't a little kid. He's 14 years old and in the 8th grade. Sorry!
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