Originally posted April 25th at Grabbilng his cane.
Maureen Ryan conducted this interview around April 15th so after the TVG and EW articles appeared. Is it back tracking and covering his/the show's ass? Possibly.
I have to admit my own initial disappointment, in particular at the condescending attitude toward an audience that has watched for 4 years and made investments in characters and potential storylines, long shot as they may have been. Even from Maureen Ryan. Interesting how H/W are best dumped in the trash bin of mere fan fic fodder but House and Cuddy who are also dealt with in those realms and in on-line speculation make perfect sense. Traditional couple default I guess.
Of course I also agree with those who say we’ll have to wait and see. If H/W is something they were making their way to I would be shocked if DS confirmed or even strongly hinted it at this early date. "I don't really think we're going down that road." is negative but amounts to the same if he had said "We may look at that further down the road." That would have been a more hopeful angle, probably with way too much spoilage, but still it basically amounts to nothing is set in stone.
Huddy is different because we have heard mention of that in articles since the end of S2 and we know it was planned for S4 put was pushed off by the strike. And as I think it was The Unknown Soul said, to talk about H/W as a good prospect would undercut the Huddy we know they are working on now.
They way he speaks about the creating of a the storyline process, if he's to be believed there, they don't seem to know what is going to happen to the characters or who will or won't be around more than a couple of months in advance. So maybe they haven't figured out H/W...yet. LOL :}
For now it looks like we’ll have to weather Huddy and possibly more Wamber :P as we slog thru S5 see the H/W roadtrip and then see where we are at. There’s plenty of time to look away if the show really does fail to intrigue us with future H/W developments whatever they may be.
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