Jul 24, 2005 09:54
well i guess over a month has gone by since my last update, although that is pretty crazy since it doesnt feel like the summer should be 3/4 over! how am i supposed to rest my brain to prepare for school with so much work happening!? so..what is new with me from the last month:
- it was rainy and cold for a good month or so, but now it is so hot i can barely sleep at night (i just cant win!)
- i am still working my butt off! the lab is getting busier and busier and more insane that i have been working a lot of overtime.
- this week the microbi lab coordinator is on holidays, so i am anticipating the pain and stress that is to come! come on! if we can barely get everything done with 4 people working all day, how are we supposed to do the same amount of work with 3? bring on the extra moola!
-speaking of money...i dont seem to be stashing away any this summer. how am i supposed to save up when there is food and rent and gas to buy? AND i happen to live in the shopping capital of bc's interior! i am too weak for this much temptation!
- i bought myself a new digital camera. i really shelled out a lot for it and am trying to decide if it is worth keeping (darn you buyers regret!)
- i had SO many plans to do all of the crafty projects i have been putting off all year during my lonely days in kelowna, but as usual, my plans have crumbled and i have just stacked more projects on the half-completed pile. maybe i will get motivated enough to finish ONE substantial project before summer ends.
- i hate having this co op portfolio/work term report on my shoulders! the last thing i want to do is work on something school-like! i am still burnt out from pulling off my 4.0 gpa from 3rd year. blarg! and with work being so busy, i dont know if i will have time to get all of that ready (and it is WAY harder trying to do these types of things when you dont have any supplies or equipment to complete them). i dont want to leave it until the end of the summer when i am back in kamloops...
- i dont think i will ever complete everything on my to do list. as soon as i get a big chunk of it done something new comes up and i have to add more things to do the list. maybe one day i will be able to pull it off.
- i have been offered two jobs for the fall semester of school. i really dont know what to think of that, since i would kinda like to get lots of my credits taken care of.
- for all of you who havent heard my new imaginary life goals: i want to start a willie nelson tribute band. i can be the new red headed stranger! the next step i have is to learn how to play willie songs on guitar!
- i cant wait for the 26th of august! since i will be stuck here on my birthday this year (the 25th) i am thinking about having a nice happy birthday to me/welcome home/whee it is almost fall back to school type bash. so far my ideas are endless-but soon i will clue into my lack of resources and funds to pull anything interesting off and settle with something lame.
ok that must be enough out of me for now...