Challenge #14 Submit

Jan 17, 2009 22:11

You may submit up to FOUR icons for this challenge.
All icons must fit LJ standards (100x100, 40KB, .gif, .jpeg, .png)
Use only the pictures provided.
All effects are allowed, brushes, textures and blending are welcome except for animation.
You must post your icons including icon itself and the URL to the image.
Keep icons anonymous. You may not submit an icon that you have used or posted elsewhere.
Deadline for this challenge is Friday 08:00 pm MSK time zone [UTC/GMT +3 hours], January 23

Entries: 13

I think "I'm not a girl not yet a woman" is one of the most beautiful Britney clips
Caps from "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman" credit goes to laes112

(click on the thumbnails for full size images)

You must join the community if you want to submitting

Also don't forget to sign up for LIMS!


music video, challenge #14

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