So, as many of you know, I stopped playing WoW about 6 months ago. The main reason was that most groups doing the content I wanted to do also required a minimum of 4 hours a night 3 nights a week raiding. I am not prepared to COMMIT to a part time job for my entertainment. I have been telling people I would probably come back when Catyclysm
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I quite like the revamp, they're changing a lot of things that kinda needed to be change - allowing us to share gear without the classes being generic, much more flexibility within the classes (at the moment? Talent trees are near clones). I love the idea of mastery stat - meaning, say, hunters and enchancement shamans can share the same gear WITHOUT needing the same stat requirements etc (currently I have an enhancement guildie complaining about all the armour pen, and a MM hunter complaining about the lack of it). I lvoe cutting down a lot of the UNNECESSARY stats - the sheer amount of stats and number crunching now can be very silly - and opaque to newcomers. I love the idea of guild experience, and I love the idea of Azeroth being POINTFUL again.
I just hope they don't mess up the raids again
The LFG is generally good - in my experience people don't kick you for low gear - because it just slows it down. Sure some people are areseholes and bitch - but Blizzard does have gear caps on certain heroics so you're not (usually) going to be put somewhere our of your depth unless you're unskilled or wearing unsuitable items
I have 4 80s so that gets expensive. Maybe if they offered me a free move or two as part of coming back
You just need to move down a step from crazy progression guilds. SCARAB is a long running guild, which mostly fields 10 mans, and is not yet in ICC, still playing ToC. You'd be very welcome for your experience, and the laid back runs are designed for maximum fun.
I've run enough pick up groups to have the new perky pug on two characters, and I've never seen anyone bounced on gearscore, or even heard of it. Now if you want to pug ICC (which happens) - prepare to weather a gear/achievement check. But otherwise? Play on!
And you don't have to go to Outland at all if you don't want to - just level in instances and/or BGs. I have leveled a healer to 40s without doing any questing (except fun looking ones I poke at) at all.
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