Fanfiction Masterlist

Mar 12, 2016 18:22

Please note that a few of these fics were originally posted under my personal journal at andromeda_25. That's still me, I've just shifted to a new journal since.



Blaine character study, focusing primarily on Kurt; rated PG
Blaine is not the type to pine. He doesn't blush and stammer and yearn like a teenage girl, not at all. [character study, through 2.10]

Two Kurt/Blaine drabbles
For the kurt_blaine Holiday Fic-Fest (Christmas 2010)
' Professional Pride': Kurt and Blaine attending a McKinley football game; and ' Preening': Pavarotti POV, any scenario.

Blaine & Rachel, 'Baby It's Cold Outside' tag, with Kurt and Mercedes; rated PG, pre-Kurt/Blaine
Blaine honestly hadn't expected to recognize his duet partner when he arrived at Kings Island for their first rehearsal -- and he really hadn't expected her to recognize him.

companion to 'Reprise', Kurt POV, with Mercedes, Rachel, Blaine; rated PG, pre-Kurt/Blaine
And if both parties had actually asked him to come, independently of each other, it wasn't Kurt being overeager or creepy or pushy, so Finn could just mind his own business.

'A Credit To His House'
Blaine & Kurt, Hogwarts crossover AU, with Finn, Mercedes, Karofsky; rated PG-13, pre-Kurt/Blaine.
[Written for jyusan for the kurt_blaine KissKiss Fic Exchange; also archived to my personal journal HERE.]
Slytherins and Gryffindors don’t mix, everyone knows that -- so Blaine is understandably shocked the first time Kurt Hummel deigns to speak to him.

Stargate Atlantis:

Gen fics:

'Light Reading' | Podfic version read by chasingkerouac
John Sheppard, Rodney McKay, gen drabble, rating G, spoilers for 'Hot Zone', sort of -- and 'War and Peace', if you want to get technical
"Many historians say that the French did not win the battle of Borodino because Napoleon had a cold, and that if he had not had a cold the orders he gave before and during the battle would have been still more full of genius and Russia would have been lost and the face of the world have been changed."
~War and Peace, Leo Tolstoy

'Murphy's Law' | Podfic version read by chasingkerouac
Debriefing challenge at sga_flashfic; dialogue only, gen humor, rated PG
“If there are two or more ways to do something, and one of those ways can result in a catastrophe, then someone will do it.”

'Kiss the Sky' | Podfic version read by me
School challenge at sga_flashfic; John Sheppard, 1783 words, gen, rated PG
John Sheppard. High school physics. Ferris wheels. Hee.

Written for starrylizard for the icaw Ficathon; Carson Beckett & Elizabeth Weir (Beckett/Weir if you squint), rated PG
There was something to be said for the old adage about doctors making the worst patients.


'Widow's Walk' | Podfic version read by chasingkerouac
Elizabeth PoV, 780 words, rated PG, spoilers for both 'Michael' and 'Inferno' in season two
Carson has a history of off-world missions gone terribly wrong, and he's not the only one who's noticed.

'Spatial Perception'
Five Rooms challenge at stagesoflove; five ficlets, rated PG, spoilers for 'Siege Part III', 'Duet', and 'Allies'
The first time I met Carson Beckett, I was wearing a blood pressure cuff and had a thermometer sticking out of my mouth...

glee, fic, admin, sga

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