It's been nearly 6 years since I last modded a journal-based RPG, and suddenly I'm the sole mod remaining in a Glee game over on IJ. Not entirely sure how that happened, but the game seems to be just continuously changing hands and not quite dying, and now suddenly our most recent primary mod has decided that she's unhappy with the way the current season has been shaping up, so she's leaving it entirely in my hands.
...So if there are any RPers on my flist who might be interested in a canon-based Glee
game that currently has LOTS of characters
available, I'm going to start advertising for new players later this week -- let me know and I'll be glad to hold characters pending an app. The outgoing mod played Kurt, but I've already got a line on a new Kurt who's Klaine-friendly, and there's a hold on Finn pending rewrites to an application, but seriously, LOTS of characters are open...