Well, I promised Naiad a post after I met her in person at the Harry Potter movie...a week ago. *shifty eyes* Eheh... What's worse is that it was in response to her saying I very rarely posted, but when I did it was long diatribes about shoes! Well, I suck at that posting thing even when I say that I'm going to do it, it appears. I apologize!
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You lose points for that. I'm serious. And not just because it's Harry Potter, because I'm not really all that invested in the series. I'd be just as angry if you'd done it with the Matrix. How would you feel if you found out who died at the end of that movie before you'd seen it (and if the symbolism wasn't choking you death)? Not. Cool.
Jesus people! Lighten up! It's a twisted little 'muahaha' perverse fantasy! ('perverse' in the Edgar Allen Poe sense of the term) Something you think in your head, mention as an evil scenario maybe, and cackle over. In this case, it's pretty impossible to do because it requires stealing a book (or my dad stealing it) and actually managing to read it fast enough to get to said part (I don't read fast and you know there's no way I'd luck of the draw turn to that page, especially not knowing the series hardly at all except from the movies). The logistics don't work for it to be an actual plan.
Cripes! I get crucified for just saying it!
But really, it's just the fact that you claim you'd take glee in ruining it for anyone on your friends list that irks me. I get that HP isn't your thing. That's totally fine. But to mess up the very end of it for people who've been following the books for ELEVEN YEARS, and to ENJOY IT is just really, really low. It's a scenario that isn't even funny in a joking context, like, I dunno, shooting puppies or selling babies on the black market.
If there was a point there other than to refer to your last line, it is probably that the line of fiction applies here. When it comes right down to it, and it wouldn't come right down to it because it wouldn't go that far, you know I wouldn't even be able to concieve of really doing it. (For reference, that is concieving up there, but not of really doing it.) Or, you should know. Otherwise, I need to work on your faith in me by not doing stuff like that some more! Hell, if you want to get technical, if you actually don't have that much faith in me, then you at least know me well enough ( ... )
You did seem serious (or at least serious in the amusement you would take from that), and you're not into HP enough to really care about how it ends or for spoiling yourself. Or at least that's how it seems, listening to you talk about it.
I think this is a case of one person saying "Wouldn't it be funny if-" and the other person staring at them in disgust and saying "No. No it wouldn't."
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