Oct 02, 2008 20:57
I love peas. Mmm. *random*
In other news, can someone tell me why there are people out there that are all super crazy about Sarah Palin? I mean, really... I'm not ecstatic about any particular candidate and figure either party is going to be screwed this next round. Ok, so she's good looking and during the debates she seemed to actually have some form of a brain intact, but why are people so gung-ho? Are Obama and Biden alien beings that are completely unable to relate to American people? Have they not suffered in various ways personally themselves? Do they not have families and children themselves?
People who just vote for off hand or soley moral items annoy me. Uggh. "OMG, Obama is hot so I'm voting for him." "Sarah Palin is MILF" "I'm just so against abortion..." Actually, that one irks me the most. When did anyone state that they were "pro-abortion?" And who actually said that if they were elected that Roe vs Wade would be overturned? Hello???? It's still going to be there... therefore our society is still technically pro-choice. Even if it was overturned, the procedures would still occur. So why don't you start considering other issues that are going to possibly determine the election this year. Well at least no one party "supports gay marriage," cause God only knows how that might sway the vote. I seriously think that people that so gladly revoted Bush back into office should consider their vote a little more this time.
And why is Wallstreet's fault that people got themselves into debt by purchasing homes they couldn't afford? Err, whatever happened to personal responsibility? Why do people spend their savings on a whim of wanting to try something new, move somewhere else, or purchase items they don't need when they can't afford it or could benefit by staying the course? Then they whine about it... ouy.
PS. I hate the term "Maverick" Uggh.