(no subject)

Jun 04, 2007 10:32

So labor is not fun... not a single bit. When people say you've never experienced pain until you go into labor its true.  After twenty two hours of labor I had a  emergency c-section so I can only imagine the pain that is in the actual delivery part of it all.  I did finally give into an epediural after the doc. said i had no choice really. They needed me to rest seein as i was having contractions every two mins. but was only dialated six cent.  Being a full time mom and wife and housekeeper is a lot harder than I thought it was. Riley has only been here for three weeks and I haven't gotton really any sleep. The house is a mess cause im too tired and lazy to clean it. Im sorry I haven't been that good of a friend and have neglected to call or return calls but life is a lil busy and once Riley settles and accepts her new routine life can reume back to somewhat normalcy and i can pick up the celly again. Please don't think Im too busy for friends cause I really need ya'll but the baby cries and i haven't been able to just listen to her cry yet.  Be really kewl if when your in town lindsay if you'd stop by Id love for you to see the baby and and hang out with me! So just remember not to delete my number and I promise to try and be a better friend.
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