Mar 29, 2007 02:42
I've been in davis for 5 days, and for the last two nights, i've sat at my dad's house reading and hangin out.
It's nice hanging out with family and all, but I feel like nothing's changed since I moved away 6 months ago. It's all just so boring here.
I'm leaving for Humboldt in the morning around 11. I have to wash clothes and pack before then, but that's what waking up early is for, I guess. I always have all these interesting ideas that I wish I would remember later so that I can write them down, but never do. Maybe it's good not to be able write it all down, because the longer it's in my mind, the more evolved it gets. Sometimes I'll randomly be talking with a person, Colleen, or otherwise, and all of a sudden I'll start spoutin all this stuff that's been pushin around in my mind for months. I don't even consciously realize that I've been thinking about it for so long, but I guess when the ideas fade, they don't really go away. Some of these are about stuff that's happening in my life, but most of the time it's weird, random thoughts about humanity and the future. It must be all of the science fiction that I read. Some of it is really out there.
The book I just read, for instance, is called "A Deepness in the Sky" and is about humanity 3000 years in the future and their first contact with an alien, spider-like species. These intelligent spiders live on a planet who's sun cycles between light and dark phases. The light lasts for about 50 years. When the sun cycles off for the next 200 years, all of the life on the planet goes into deep sleep hibernation. When the humans (two different civilizations, actually) reach the planet, the spiders are on the verge of the Information age. The plan is to wait, in shifting Watches of 1 year awake, 3 years coldsleep, for the spiders to reach a level where they can be coerced (forced if necessary) into rebuilding the human fleet, which has been decimated by an initial battle between the two warring civilizations. The spiders have other plans...
I mean, who comes up with that??? It was an amazingly dense, thoughtful, and character based novel, but still...the science in it is only accessibly to people who have been reading such books for years!
Even in my reading, I tend to see-saw back and forth between dominant...i hesitate to call them about, predilections. I have part of me, which I suppose can be said i get from my mom, who was highly spiritual, artistic and empathic. The other part, from my dad, is intrigued by technology and building things. I really wish i could reconcile the two, but it seems like thusfar I can only shift back and forth. This is one of the major reasons I joined Rose-float, in the hope that it would help me follow both paths equally. I really just need to start creating. Carving, sculpting, building, inventing, whatever.
Before I go back to SLO, I'm going to try to put together a tool kit from a bunch of my dad's spare tools: jigsaw, drill, handsaw, hammer, etc.. He still has a bunch of the tools that he gave me for my 9th birthday. We were using some of them today to build a chicken-roost-house-thing, and I was like...what the heck is this? Isn't this thing like 15 years old?? Sometimes I love the fact that my dad never throws away anything. Though, the state of the garage would argue otherwise...
I'm hoping that my trip to Humboldt is fun, although with such great people to visit, i'm sure it'll be fun.
I'll see you guys soon!
personal growth,
san luis obispo,