Pics of my House! :)

Feb 28, 2007 20:34

I've been the biggest slacker on here lately. I just haven't had enough time to sit down and write a real entry. I just jump on, skim my friends page, squeeze out a reply or 2 and dash off. The fact that I've been working non stop doesn't help either.

Not much going on with me, other than work. I wont even bother to talk about Ryan cuz he's just ugh. It sucks that something that had so much promise turned out to be such a waster of time. As Jenn has said "Guys named Ryan = Bad" SO TRUE!! No new men lately... a few prospects for fun though ;) Including a hot hot hot spanish boy from work (another ramp boy!) A few of us went to the bar after work one night and he came out. I told him that I think Spanish is the sexist language ever and he was whispering stuff in spanish in my ear. God knows what he was saying but damn! It was hot ;) We went for a drive after the bar (a bunch of us piled in Sarah's car while she drove Sangha home) and Quintnila (the boy, that's his last name.. all the rampie's go by their last name) was sitting beside me in the back. He was rubbing my back and legs and continued to hablo espaniol to me ;) I seriously wanted to take him home with me that night.

Speaking of boys.. Jeremy called me today. He moved to Edmonton a week & a half ago and this is the first time I've actually talked to him since. Before he set off he left me the sweetest message: " i'll really miss you and tell everybody at Westjet i say goodbye. Remember the good times and not the bad. I'll keep in touch." This is especially touching to me because Jeremy is not normally the mushy type. I was SO happy to hear his voice today. We chatted for a bit and I encouraged him to apply for a job with Westjet in Edmonton. I told him that when he applies to write down the application number and I'd write him a letter of reference. He was like "You'd do that for me?" and I said "Jeremy of course I would. You know I care about you and I'd do just about anything you asked me to" and he said "Honestly. I love it in Edmonton and I dont miss much about Toronto, except for you. The best thing about Toronto is Amanda. I miss you" :) I told him I cant wait to go visit him, cuz I miss him like crazy.

My house warming party is on Friday! YAY! Both of my sisters are coming down for it. Becky and her bf are coming tomorrow to stay with me till Saturday morning. I think I'll take them downtown tomorrow to do some shopping. I need to visit Urban Outfitters for some house stuff :D I borrowed the karaoke machine from work for my party.. plus I'll have DDR and my friend is brining Guitar Hero. Of course I'll have my famous jello shooters too ;) It should be a good time. I'm really excited. Let's just hope my heater keeps working...

Yes, my furnace keeps pooching out. I love having my own house. Everything here is great, except for that. It's working right now... and hopefully continues that way. *fingers crossed* My Dad is buying me a faux wood burning stove for the living room for if/when my furnace does pooch out, that way I'll still have a source of heat... other than turning my stove burners on (I'm not joking).

Speaking of which.. I finally got around to taking pictures :D

Looking into the Kitchen, from the front entrance room

Sink area, my shot glass collection lined up on the window sill (and dishes in the dryer, lol)

My little dining room :)

Looking into the living room from the hall

Tv area

My Fireplace ;)

My computer and pictures (including my diploma, which I finally hung!)


My Shower, with my cute bathroom set :D

And just for fun, ME! That is from about 2 weeks ago. I got my hair done since then, and had red and blonde highlights put in. I'll take a pic tomorrow when my hair is done.. I took one for now of my hair, so you can get the idea

It looks better when it's down though

I haven't taken pics of the bedrooms yet, cuz they're not ready! My bedroom is set up all cute, but a mess. And the guest room is just a jumble of stuff right now.

house, jeremy, boys, party, pictures

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