Vacation Pics

Jul 19, 2006 11:03

Ah I'm seriously the worst lj-er ever! I've just been so busy with work since I got back from vacation that I haven't had the time or energy to update, or comment. I'm sorry! I'm working in ddc (basically the operations office) for most of August so I'll hopefully have more time to comment & whatnot. Cuz I just sit at a computer all day so when I get bored I end up browsing online.

Anyhoo... my vacation was pretty good. But busy, as I predicted. Calgary was okay. Turned out to be pretty boring actually. I got really sick of my friend Michelle when we were there. She was being so clingy and annoying. She had the biggest crush on Jason (who lives out there) so her goal was to tell him that she liked him. But instead she spent the whole time bitching about how he "clearly" likes me better, and then she refused to talk to him. So everytime the 3 of us would hang out it would be me trying to make conversation, Jason responding and Michelle sitting there silently. The last day was the best for sure. We did a bit of site seeing, but it was insanely hot & humid. So on the way back to the hotel Jason & Michelle decided they wanted a cold beer. I dont drink beer so I got a 4 pack of coolers. We went back to the hotel where I proceeded to drink all 4 in about an hour & a half cuz I was bored, lol. My friend Rob was finally back in town around 9pm so he swung by the hotel to pick me up. As much as I could tell that Michelle wanted the 4 of us to do something together, I had to go out with Rob alone. I was a bit sick of Jason and Michelle so I needed so alone time away from them. Rob & I had a blast! We went out to dinner and had a few more drinks. Then Rob drove me around and showed me the city, where he livs, works, etc. We met up with Jason & Michelle at a pub amd closed the place. Once we got kicked out of there Rob & I drove around for an 2 hours or so just to chat. It was so good seeing him again! I'm definitely hoping he'll come out here and spend a weekend this summer. I had to fly in the jump seat on the way home from Calgary. The flight was sold out so it was the only way I'd make it home. The jump is a little seat behind the Captain in the flight deck. It was the coolest experience. I got to see what the pilots actually do up there! Takeoff and landing were totally amazing to see with a 180 degree view. During the flight the pilots were eating, talking to us (myself & the other girl in the jump), and reading the newspaper. At first I like thinking "uhhh shouldn't they have their eyes on the road?" lol.

Me wearing Jason's Westjet cowboy hat: (For those that don't know, Calgary is also known as Cow Town. Everyone is a cowboy!)

Rob & I being silly:

Rob & I:

I got home from Calgary on Thursday night, and left for Ottawa on Friday. The flight there was great, 45 minutes, lol. Mark, Julianne & I made a run to the beer store, liquor store and grocery store as soon as we got there, then the drinking began. We hit a bar called Hooley's that night, which was pretty fun. We ended up going back to Mark's & watching infomercials until 6am, lol. The next day was Canada Day. We went out and had a big breakfast to start the day right, then more drinking ensued. We played the longest game of trivial persuit EVER (3.5 hours or so). We played it as a drinking game though, which made it fun. Around 6:00 we walked to Mark's friend Mischa's, who was having a party. We were all so drunk that the walk took about an hour, lol. We fit right in on the streets though, cuz they were packed full of drunk people! At the party we played a pretty rowdy game of pyramid, the best drinking game ever. I ran out of rum (cuz they kept picking on me and making me drink so much!) that Mark set me up with some liquid cocaine shots. By the end of the game I'd had 15 shots, oy. We had a funny sing a long with some dude playing the guitar, then started walking downtown. All day we'd been so psyched about watching the fireworks, we couldn't wait. Turns out we saw like the last 2 pops and that was it cuz it took us sooooo long to walk there, lol. You try getting 20 drunk people to walk fast! We decided to go to a bar from there. Well for some stupid reason Julianne didn't bring her id. So she & I walked back to Mark's place with his loser room mate Rob. It started to rain pretty hard as we were walking. I thought I was gonna die before we got there because I was so drunk I could barely walk. We got back to Mark's, grabbed Jules' id and set out again. By this time it was pouring. I've never been out in rain that hard. We got about 15 minutes into our walk when Mark called & said he was heading home. He said the line at the bar was about 45 minutes long and we'd never make it in. So we turned around and started going back. By this time we were soaked to the bone.. so we decided to jump in puddles. ;) Luckily I brought my sister's video camera so I have many funny moments on tape. I'll put some online one day :D

And a few pics from Ottawa:

Mark & I, night 1:

Mark, Me, Julianne:

Me walking to the bar:

Day 2: Showing off my super hot side ponytail:

Mark & I having a dance party in the kitchen: (The end of the 2nd night, we're fully retarded by this time):

Sunday morning, do we look a bit rough? lol:

I should probably get off my ass now and do something productive before work.. I've decided to try & do pilates every day so I should get on that. Cuz after that I'll definitely be sweaty and need to go in the pool. Then I need to actually get ready for work. Bah.

drunk, ottawa, calgary, vacation

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