I'm back from Paradise!

Nov 01, 2005 10:51

I'm back from my amazing vacation in the Dominican Republic! I'd rather still be there, but it's nice to be home :)

We had the most wonderful time. The weather was better than I'd expected. It was hot & sunny everyday without a cloud in the sky. It only rained a few times, at night, so it didn't bother us. And when it did rain, it was only for about 5 minutes. We spent our days laying in the most awesome pool I've ever been in, or on the beach. The pool was long & winding with a swim-up bar. In one area it was like being on the beach, you could walk in and just lay in this very shallow area. The also had these mushroom things in the pool that were like showers, and rained water down on you.

The beach was perfect. The sand was white & soft, and the water was a beautiful turquoise colour. The resort's section of beach was SO long! We got upgraded to an ocean view room, which was fantastic. Every morning & night we'd sit on our balcony and watch the waves roll in.

The resort itseld was awesome. The entertainment was pretty good, and so was the food. The drinks were great! The clientele was mostly European so we saw A LOT of topless women. I was scarred for life many times.

We met some wonderful people there. We made friends with a British couple, Nick & Christine, in their 40's who were SO funny. It's so funny how different slang is over there. We were in the pool with them, and 3 girls from London (Ontario), when Nick asked where Jessica, the girls friend was. Jade said "Oh she's in our room sleeping" and he said "I'm gonna go knock her up then!" Dan & I, and the 3 girls just stared at him, and Jade said "please dont knock up my friend!" Nick was like "What? You dont want me to go knock on her door?" Apparently in England when they're going to someone's house to call on them they say they're going to "knock them up" as in knock on their door. We explained to him that here that means get someone pregnant, and he & his wife were laughing so hard. Another funny thing was when we were talking about the resort & Nick said "One thing that really offends me is all the fags on the beach! It's disgusting!" And the rest of us were shocked! I couldn't believe he'd said that, and so loudly! Jade turned to us and said "Is he talking about gay people?" cuz we hadn't even seen any. And Nick goes "When you're done smoking you should throw it in the garbage, not in the sand" Duh! He was talking about cigaratte butts, lol.

Anyway, I could go on & on but I wont. I will post a few pictures though! Then I have to get caught up on all of your journals!

The view from our balcony:

Dan & I on our balcony, after a swim:

Dinner @ the Mexican restaurant:

The Beach:

The Pool:

Dan laying in the shallow area, our fave:

Dan, Tony the Monkey & I: (Sorry it's so big!)

dominican, vacation

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