The First Meeting

Oct 18, 2009 23:16

Title: The First Meeting
Characters/Pairing:  Pakku/Kanna, Jeong Jeong, Iroh
Rating: G
Quote: “Truth, like surgery, may hurt, but it cures.” - Han Suyin
Word Count: 818
Summary:  Pakku runs into Jeong Jeong while searching for Kanna after she disappeared.
Notes: Written for atlaland

A strange man in the village had caught everyone’s attention; it was the talk of the town. It especially caught the attention of another stranger. An undercover fire bender who was known as Jeong Jeong. Now the fire bender was curious as to whom this stranger was, but he didn’t want to draw attention to himself, it was possible that the stranger might be from the Fire Nation and recognize him. He was famous, after all.

Jeong Jeong sighed with relief. He saw a man wearing heavy blue parka - it was clear where the man was from. The man had only garnered so much attention because it was rare for members of the Water Tribe to visit the Earth Kingdom.

The older man looked directly at him, his eyes glaring as if they were peering into his very soul. Maybe he had been wrong. But the man’s style wasn’t from the Fire Nation. Jeong Jeong’s mind raced as the man approached him.

“May I ask you a few questions?” asked the wandering Water Tribesman.

“I guess so,” replied Jeong Jeong in a tone indicating he was only agreeing to be polite. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself.

“I’m searching for the love of my life, a Water Tribe woman,” Pakku explained in a hushed voice. “I suspect she came through here.”

“I don’t think I can help you. I haven’t lived here very long.”

Pakku sighed, it seemed like no one could help him. He wondered why he even bothered traveling to the Earth Kingdom. But he needed to know why she left him without even a word.

The Fire Bender’s gut clenched. He didn’t understand why, but he felt pity for Pakku. Perhaps it was because the water bending master was as lost in the world as himself, or because they were both out of place in the Earth Kingdom. He decided that couldn’t just stand there and do nothing.

“I know someone who knows this area well,” Jeong Jeong admitted as he placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder. “Perhaps he could help you.”

Pakku smiled for the first time since Kanna left.


“I just want to you again and bid you farewell,” Pakku said loudly as he barged into his new friend’s room at the boarding house. He felt it was the least he should do before setting off to visit the contact he had been given. He hoped he would be able to find Kanna soon and realized he might not have occasion to pass through the small village again.

The sight stunned the water bender. Jeong Jeong had in his hands a Fire Nation medal, Fire Nation clothing peaked out of the dresser. Much of his new friend’s story now made sense. He was new to the area because he had been assigned to spy there. His face became flushed with anger.

“So, this is who you are,” Pakku yelled. “A deceitful Fire Nation spy!”

“I’ve never lied to you,” Jeong Jeong protested.

“You’ve never corrected me when I said that I had never met an Earth Kingdom citizen like yourself,” the water bender huffed. “Why you didn’t even hint at what you really are.”

Jeong Jeong lowered his head in silence. He was disappointed in himself. He had no words for Pakku to explain himself.

Pakku grew impatient and stated, “To me your silence is just as bad as your lies. Say something!”

“You know the truth now,” replied the fire bender dutifully.

Jeong Jeong’s words angered the water bending master even more.

“When, exactly, were you planning on telling me?” asked the furious water bender. “I suppose I would have found out when you lead a raid on the North Pole, using the information I trusted you with.”

“But -“

The door slammed, and Pakku was gone before Jeong Jeong could explain to Pakku that he hadn’t given him anything strategic information at all. Pakku had only ever talked of Kanna, and she had nothing to do with the defenses at the North Pole.


Jeong Jeong was overwhelmed with guilt. He cried at the next meeting of Order of the White Lotus members.

“Give it time,” Iroh consoled his friend calmly. “He will cool down and realize what really happened -that the Order helped him in his time of need.”

“Do you think he return?”

“Yes, I’m sure at some point he try to find his love again,” Iroh smiled gently.


Iroh had been right, after several months Pakku had returned to the Earth Kingdom. He had become part of the Order, which made the fire bending master happy.

Jeong Jeong approached the water master to welcome him. Pakku made direct eye contact him with a cold piercing stare. The Admiral frowned. It was obvious the wounds between Pakku and himself were deep and had not yet healed. They needed more time to fully mend.

pairing: kanna/pakku, character: jeong jeong, character: pakku, character: iroh, fandom: avatar: the last airbender

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