Theater (Original)

Oct 05, 2009 16:29

Title: Theater
Characters: unnamed girl
Rating: G
Word Count: 141
Notes: Written for
brigits_flame   week 1 prompt: instep

It was strange. She had always envisioned herself being the star. She had never expected work behind the scenes on a production. It had always been her dream, ever since she was a child, to have the female lead role in Swan Lake.  But that dream fell short two years ago when she injured herself, leaving her incapable of professional dancing.

She tried to forget the theatre, but she found that she couldn’t imagine her life without it. Working backstage filled that void, even though her work was never acknowledged by the audience. The performers even just walked passed her as if she was not even there.

She remembered back to when the stagehands were invisible to her too. That was when her focus was her feet, and becoming a star by training them. But it didn’t work out like that.


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